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Psychology Research. Psychology Essay Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

1. When Sean finished his research project examining the relationship between video games and aggression, he analyzed his findings and found this result: r = .21, p = .12. Explain the strength, direction, and the practical meaning/interpretation of his findings in your own words.

2.Mikey believes that his memory and health are improving as a result of frequently using expensive essential oils. His homemade scatterplot even shows that as oils increase, his memory and health also increase! Provide at least two reasons why Mikey cannot prove that essential oils are causing these changes. In addition, discuss what would need to be done in order for such causality to be demonstrated. (Hint: Your answer should not be about the oils themselves, but about the type of research designs that do or do not allow for causal inferences.)

3. Rachel wants to know if 10 minutes of focused prayer can cause a significant improvement in her students’ attention in class. Design a true experiment that would allow Rachel to test her research question. Be sure to answer these four questions as you explain your design:

1. How many groups of participants would you want and why?

2. How will participants be assigned to their group?

3. How will you measure the DV?

4. What confounds do you need to control for or avoid in this study?

4. Broadly, what is the difference between using a correlation coefficient and a t test to answer a psychologist’s research question? What types of research questions can and cannot be answered using each statistic?

5. Dr. Ponder studies kids’ well-being using longitudinal studies, meaning that she tracks and studies the kids for long periods of time. How might Dr. Ponder’s longitudinal research be negatively impacted by the following confounds? And how might she do her best to ensure these confounds do not impact her final results?

1. The history effect

2. The experimenter effect

3. Attrition

6. In 2012 a microbiologist published an opinion piece about how psychology is not a science because it does not meet 5 basic requirements for scientific rigor—requirements that we discussed at the beginning of the semester. After explaining each requirement, draw upon your notes from the entire semester to describe how you believe psychology does 3/5 of these requirements quite well.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychology Research
Name Course Instructor Date
1. When Sean finished his research project examining the relationship between video games and aggression, he analyzed his findings and found this result: r = .21, p = .12. Explain the strength, direction, and the practical meaning/interpretation of his findings in your own words.
The correlation coefficient (r) shows there is a positive relationship between games and aggression, but the relationship is weak. The P-value is .12 and the result is not significant at p < .05.2.Mikey believes that his memory and health are improving as a result of frequently using expensive essential oils. His homemade scatter plot even shows that as oils increase, his memory and health also increase! Provide at least two reasons why Mikey cannot prove that essential oils are causing these changes. In addition, discuss what would need to be done in order for such causality to be demonstrated. (Hint: Your answer should not be about the oils themselves, but about the type of research designs that do or do not allow for causal inferences.)
Mikey’s plotting of the X and Y values shows there is a relationship between using oils and improved memory and health. A properly controlled experimental research can help to determine whether there is a correlational relationship. an experiment allows the researcher to maintain control over all factors.
3. Rachel wants to know if 10 minutes of focused prayer can cause a significant improvement in her students’ attention in class. Design a true experiment that would allow Rachel to test her research question. Be sure to answer these four questions as you explain your design:meditation and student concentration true experiment 1. How many groups of participants would you want and why?There are 60 participants with 30 for the experimental group and 30 for the control group. The sample sizes are large and the research can be replicated.2. How will participants be assigned to their group?There will be an experimental group and control group with each group having 30 participants
who are selected by simple random sampling where none has used focused prayer to improve their attention,3. How will you measure the DV?
The Dependent Variables (DV) is measured and tested and in this case it is improvement in the students’ attention. The participants indicate what they feel with regards to their attention a...
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