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Living within the Criminal Justice System In Canada: Experiences of Rape Parole

Essay Instructions:

PSYC 331 Term Paper: Living within the Criminal Justice System

*Credit: Brandon Sparks & Alexandra Zidenberg

As you have now seen through lecture, many individuals who come into contact with the criminal justice system are required to abide by a set of conditions – either as an alternative to incarceration or upon release from an institution (i.e., parole). For these individuals, failure to follow the conditions and restrictions may result in incarceration or other penalties. For this assignment, you will gain first-hand experience as to what it is like to live under certain conditions and restrictions, then provide your reflective thoughts regarding your experience.


1. Select 3 conditions of your choosing (see list of examples below)

2. Spend 1 week abiding by these three conditions*

3. Write a 2-4 page reflective paper, describing your experience

*Note: Unlike real offenders, you will not be subject to further penalties or incarceration if you fail to abide by the restrictions; however, it might make your paper-writing experience more difficult.

Example parole/probation conditions:

• Prohibited from attending public parks, pools, daycares, schools, and playgrounds

• Prohibited from using alcohol and/or drugs

• Prohibited from owning, possessing, or transporting firearms

• Prohibited from being with children under 14 unsupervised

• Prohibited from making contact with children under the age of 18

o This can include your own children, siblings and/or family members

• No access to computers or devices that can connect to the internet

• Frequent check-ins with their parole/probation officer (you may designate a friend or family member to act as your PO)

• Must abide by a curfew designated by their PO

• Must provide their PO with a driving or travel log

• Prohibited from leaving your residence except to attend school/work

o Approval from PO must be sought to leave residence for other reasons

• Prohibited from using public transit

• Prohibited from driving a motorized vehicle

o Or prohibited from driving a motorized vehicle unsupervised

• Prohibited from accessing any sexual or pornographic material or patronizing a place where such material is available

• Prohibited from hitchhiking or picking up hitchhikers

• Prohibited from communicating with specific individual(s)

You are welcome to research other conditions that are typically used in Canada or create your own, but please keep in mind that the purpose of the assignment is to experience – briefly and with much fewer consequences - what individuals living within the criminal justice system might face.

Writing your Paper:

The purpose of the paper is to reflect on your experience and the course material. You will describe your conditions and experience obeying the conditions, as well the difficulties you experienced (if applicable) and how this may translate to the criminal justice system.

Paper Requirements:

• Description of your conditions, what the restrictions entailed, and how they might be used (e.g., what type of offender) within the criminal justice system.

• Describe your experience living under these conditions, including any difficulties you encountered. Describe how the experience impacted your day-to-day life. Are there other factors that would have made living by these conditions easier (e.g., easy access to public transit if you are not allowed to drive your car).

• Reflect on your experience and how living by these conditions might help or hinder an offender’s ability to reintegrate into the community.

• Integrate research/studies (at least 2) and literature from the field to support your position on how living by conditions help/hinder an offender – all studies should be properly cited.

Your paper should be written in APA format (7th Edition). Links to APA resources will be made available through Canvas. You are required to have:

• Title page

• Reference page

• In-text citations

• Proper font size, spacing and margins

Title and Reference pages do not count in the 2-4 page limit. You do not need to include an abstract.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Experiences of Rape Parole
Institutional Affiliation
Experiences of Rape Parole
Crime is a common occurrence in the society that has seen the perpetrators ranging from young to adults, men to female, rich to poor. Crime has been associated with so many causes based on the social or psychological setting. When a crime occurs, there are offenders and victims. For instance, some rape, and those who are raped. The victims of crimes are the losers in this case and it is in the need to protect them that justice must be provided. In ensuring that victims receive justice, criminals too have their rights and deserve justice. This is why this paper discusses life in a criminal justice system. A successful criminal justice system is critical in ensuring that the public opinion is well brought on board as it is through the public opinion that the public owns up the justice system thus enhancing its success through, reporting crime, witnessing, and law-abiding (Woods & Gannon, 2009) 
Crime offenders are taken through a legal process to prove they are guilty and once proved, depending on the level of crime, they are given a punishment among them a jail sentence. Prisoners servicing a jail sentence may be released to serve the term out of prison or what is commonly known as parole. This comes with various conditions which if not met the prisoner risks arrest. These conditions are so strict that most prisoners find themselves choosing jail at the expense of conditioned freedom. This explains the need for proper behavior education for people leaving prison to avoid recidivism ( Capellan, Koppel, & Sung, 2020). In this paper, I share my experience in adhering to some of the conditions given in the criminal justice for being granted a parole.
A prohibition from communicating with the victims.
This condition means that there will be no communication with the victim or the victim's family and bleach of this will lead to rearrests. In this case, communication is prohibited for all means including verbal, or even technological such as through emails or social media. This implies, therefore, that I should by no means talk to the victims who in this case are relatives. With so much feeling guilty of the wrong act, I was willing and yearning to discuss and settle the matter with the victim to relieve my guilty. But with this condition, it is not possible. This made me leave an isolated guilty life which is even more stressful.
Some of the challenges I encountered were that, being close to the victim and with so much stress I was tempted to prefer going back to jail than staying around people who have seen me jailed. I would at times find myself ignoring the condition. In most cases, this condition is issued to people who have committed abusive crimes such as murder, rape and physical assault. The public and especially victims do not or have less preference of parole on abusive cases like murder and rape (Fitzgerald, Bartels, & Freiberg, 2016). This means that even after obeying the instructions, the victims would do anything to set up the prisoner in violating this condition to have them taken back to the prison. This condition limits so much the day-to-day activities of the prisoner and with so much stress piled on him, he might lose his mental balance and commit another crime to go back to prison. To avo...
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