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Performance Enhancing Drugs: Effects On the Body and Brain

Essay Instructions:

List three of the most common Performance Enhancing Drugs and describe their effects on the body and brain. Highlight the most significant physical/physiological health consequences (positive AND negative) from repeated use of the drug(s). Conclude by discussing one high profile athlete that was banned from a sport and/or stripped of their medals/titles, etc. because of testing positive for PED(s).

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Performance-Enhancing Drugs
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Performance-Enhancing Drugs
Among the common performance enhancement drugs are stimulants, anabolic stimulants, and Human Growth Hormones (HGH). The main reason why athletes use such drugs is the pressure to perform well in competitions. Such drugs have become common among professional athletes. The drugs have both negative and positive impacts on the athlete. However, if an athlete tests positive for the drugs, they are suspended from the specific sport.
The advantage of these drugs in the body is that they help build muscle within a short period. Such muscle provides the athletes with the energy they need to win or finish a competition (Loland, 2018). The drugs are also good at increasing speed, an aspect which is very important to every athlete. Another benefit of performance-enhancing drugs is that they help an individual manage their weight. If an athlete is overweight, it might be challenging for them to win a competition. Therefore, they need to maintain an ideal weight that would not be a hindrance to their performance. An individual can manage their weight naturally by exercising and eating the right diet. However, this process might be slow, yet the athletes need quick results. The performance-enhancing drugs are an ideal option for an individual wishing to manage their weight without much hustle. The drugs act fast, making them a good option for athletes who wish to maintain their weight.
The main disadvantage of performance-enhancing drugs is that their long-term result in negative impacts on the athlete’s body. Among such impacts are angry outbursts and emotional instability. These are not desir...
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