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Cognitive science: Representation Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Your assignment is to write an essay of maximum 500 words (excluding title and

end-of-essay references) on ONE of the Representation topics listed below.

Essay topics

1. Explain and critically assess Tim van Gelder’s claim that ‘Rather than computers,

cognitive systems may be dynamical systems’

2. Discuss one thing that psychologists have discovered about how the human mind represents the world? What role do you think these representations play in driving our

behaviour? How do these representations yield subsequent influence on our behavior?

3. Read the two full articles by Everaert et al. and Norvig from which the tutorial on linguistic representations used extracts. On the basis of these articles answer the following

question: What is the role of probability in linguistic representation?


Everaert, M. B., Huybregts, M. A., Chomsky, N., Berwick, R. C., & Bolhuis, J. J.

(2015). Structures, not strings: linguistics as part of the cognitive sciences. Trends in

Cognitive Sciences, 19(12), 729-743.

Norvig (2012): On Chomsky and the two cultures of statistical learning. http://norvig(dot)com/chomsky.html

Regarding the format,please make sure that:

• you use a font size that is easily legible (precisely what size that is will depend on the

font used, but for most fonts that will be at least 11 point)

• you leave wide right and left margins (at least 2.5cm)

• you use at least 1.5 line spacing


• all pages are numbered consecutively

• you use consistent referencing (e.g., APA style); no footnote references

If you need readings and can not get it, please contact me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

People As Mental States: A Representation Issue
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People As Mental States: A Representation Issue

The process of perception is performed by a complex set of neural activities not yet fully understood. The process of perceiving people as of different personality qualities is a case in point. Traditionally, Whole Trait Theory represents an established conceptualization of personality in psychology community. That different people exhibit different personality qualities, or traits, over short and long ranges is, indeed, established by rigorous psychological research for decades. There is, however, emerging evidence showing short range representations of people in mind, or so called “mental states,” as more powerful predictors of future social actions and personal behaviors. Specifically, Thornton,Weaverdyck and Tamir (2019) show – using a combination of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), behavior, and text analysis methods – in a study involving participants exposed to images and written content of celebrities that people, celebrities in current study, are perceived as sums of states shown by such celebrities over short and long runs. In contrast to trait-based conceptualization of personality and predictable personal behavior, argue Thornton,Weaverdyck and Tamir, mental states are shown to be more powerful predictors of human behavior – despite of, or perhaps because of, shortness of exposure to certain situation whereby perceivers elicit and predict present and future behaviors of certain people. Moreover, Thornton,Weaverdyck and Tamir show that a given person's trait, once fixed and unchanged, is, using a mental state representation, not just as fixed and, more interestingly, is a function of of repeated mental state self-reports as opposed to a single set of trait self-reports.
This new finding subverts, in fact, decades-long understanding of personality and behavior. In contrast to a more conventional (and stable) understanding of personality as a whole

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