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Nature and Nurture Essay. Psychology Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Developmental science focuses on the various contributions to development, and whether they lean toward the genetic side of things (nature) or environmental (nurture). Choose from one of the following topics discussed in the modules:

child obesity

eating disorders

adolescent depression ( choose from any of these three).

For this paper, review the module material on your specific topic. Then, write a paper describing in detail the “nature” (primarily genetic, inherited) contributions to this condition as well as the “nurture” contributions. You will need to conduct Internet research and cite the sources to obtain additional information on your topic. For example, explaining the inherited reasons for a child to be obese will require that you visit, read, summarize, and cite medical sites on the Internet. It is crucial that you rephrase material in your own words and cite it or put phrases from the sources in quotation marks and cite them. No more than a few sentences should be directly quoted in order for you to receive credit for writing this paper (in other words, no credit is given for a paper that is a string of other people’s quotes). As a general rule of thumb, at least 1.5 pages should focus on "nature" contributions to the issue at hand and at least 1.5 pages should focus on "nurture" contributions.

Your research must include at least two journal articles or books. Websites can be very helpful and informative, but your final paper must include full, published research articles or books on the topic. Sources should be reputable and consistent with what you learned in the module as well as other sources. GoogleScholar and PDF articles from the Internet can be helpful resources. Make sure you use good search terms when trying to find articles. You may want to start broad (for example, “bystander effect”), and then narrow to your particular area. This paper requirement means that you need to include at least two primary sources in your paper; articles from the Internet can be included, but they would be in addition to the two minimum primary sources. Primary sources are firsthand accounts; thus, they involve the author writing about his or her own work.

It is recommended that you spend at least a page and a half discussing “nature” for this topic and a page and at least a half discussing “nurture.” Finally, conclude the paper by indicating which side (nature, nurture) gives the strongest contribution to this condition or whether they are both needed. For example, for child obesity, is genetics alone a sufficient cause for a child to be obese, or are poor eating habits necessary along with a genetic predisposition? The paper should follow the following format:

I. Introduction. Introduce your topic.

II. Description and research on “nature” components

III. Description and research on “nurture” components

IV. Evaluation: which side (nature, nurture) most strongly contributes?

double spaced with time new roman and 12 point font,

in-text citation,

work cited page included.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nature / Nurture
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Nature / Nurture
In psychiatry and psychology, the debate on the difference between nature and nurture has a contentious issue. The discussion has revolved around which between the two concepts is the cause of human cultures, behaviors, and personalities. According to (Engel (n.d), nature refers to genetic or hormone-based behaviors and traits, while nurture refers to environmental-related experiences. The debate between the two concepts relates to the role of human genetics or qualities (nature) as compared to their experiences or environment (nurture) in influencing various traits and behaviors (such as eating disorders). This paper will discuss which between nature and nurture is responsible for eating disorders such as Binge Eating Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, Selective Eating Disorder, and other specified eating disorders.
* Nature
There has been evidence to illustrate that genetic and biological aspects of nature can be attributed as factors that result in people developing eating disorders. This means that there is proof that eating disorders are a problem that can be inherited or tends to run in the family. Engel (n.d) states that inherited biological and genetic factors are responsible for about 56% of all prevalent eating disorders. Notably, there is likely that people with eating disorders have a mother or a sibling who suffers from the same condition (Engel n.d). Research shows that one has twelve and four times the likelihood of suffering from Anorexia Nervosa and bulimia, respectively, in case their mother or sister has these disorders (Engel n.d). More so, the prevalence of eating disorders among identical twins is quite high (Nasser, Katzman & Gordon, 2003). Also, the brain structure is an attributing factor that may result in nature being key to eating disorders. The hypothalamus is a portion of the brain which controls how human bodies interpret hunger and food satisfaction. Nevertheless, some people may have dysfunctional hypothalamus, which may affect their ability to interpret when full or hungry. This is one of the causes of bulimics eating disorder. More so, bulimic is a condition that may result in abnormally low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin (Engel n.d). This is because eating and drinking foods that are usually metabolized into sugars, especially carbohydrates, may result in tryptophan release. This tryptophan will lead to serotonin in the brain, resulting in happiness within the brain and person. The lack of adequate serotonin is a factor that can lead to people eating a large amount of food in a short amount of time to compensate for the serotonin lacking in their bodies. In this sense, eating disorders is a condition that can be attributed to several genetic and biological factors.
Personality characteristics ca...
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