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History of Psychology. Modern lifestyle/society. Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

You have two options for the assignment:

Option A: Read one of the following articles and write a commentary essay:

Harris, B. (1979). Whatever happened to little Albert? American psychologist, 34(2), 151.

Bakan, D. (1966). Behaviorism and American urbanization. Journal of the History of the

Behavioral Sciences, 2(1), 5-28.

Bohan, L. S. (1990). Contextual history: A framework for re‐placing women in the history of

psychology. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 14(2), 213-227.

Cosgrove, L., Krimsky, S., Vijayaraghavan, M., & Schneider, L. (2006). Financial ties between

DSM-IV panel members and the pharmaceutical industry. Psychotherapy and

psychosomatics, 75(3), 154-160.

Your task would be providing an original, critical commentary on the article you have chosen.

There is no need to summarize it – we would like to hear your own point of view instead of

rehashing what the article says. Feel free to express whether you agree or disagree with the

assigned readings; your grades will not depend on the stance you take. Instead, your grades will

be based on how strongly your arguments are supported from historical and theoretical

perspectives. It is recommended that you expand the article’s message to events/materials

outside the article/textbook. Be creative & make sound arguments.

Revised on September 2, 2018.

Option B: Write a reflection paper on your observation of modern society/modern life

style/contemporary social problem and how it is, or can potentially be, connected to

psychological research and practice. Please use the course material to reflect on your observation

– you can either comment on your observation in light of the course material, or the other way

around, comment on the course material in light of your observation. Again, feel free to follow

or criticize the course material. Your grades will depend how well your arguments are supported

and articulated.

If you make citations, please follow the APA style.

Length: 1000 – 1200 words.

Grading criteria

A. Demonstrated knowledge of the history of psychology (7%)

B. Original ideas (7%)

C. Demonstrated skills to support your argument with convincing evidence and reasoning (7%)

D. Format: structure, language, spelling, etc. (4%)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Modern lifestyle/society
This paper will try to relate modern lifestyle and society with traditional society. It will also mention contemporary social problems faced in modern life/society. As it is evident, modern people are literate, aggressive and are self-standing. Modern life requires people to be competitive for them to be successful and this is what is practiced by most tycoons and successful businesspeople. Though we live in this kind of lifestyle, there are some countries which follow traditional lifestyles. These are mostly third world countries. In these countries, they measure success by the property owned by the big family like livestock or land.
From the above explanation, we can say that a society is modern according to how it is industrialized or co-existence of people in the current time. We can base it on the level of education in the community, how people are conversant with technological changes among others. We can generally refer to this kind of life to as mundane as people only produce goods and services which they sell in the market unlike in traditional society where people used to get things like grocery from their farms, where people have to go to the market to buy these things. The system in modern life emphasizes education for all CITATION Joh93 \l 1033 (John M. Eekelaar, 1993).
Modern society and modern life have its characteristics which distinguish it from traditional culture. One of these characteristics is the population pressure. The population is increasing day by day, and it has now been high. Millions of people now fill Even the cities. Urbanization has also increased as a result of the growing population. Towns and market centers are coming up to satisfy the residential needs of the citizens.
Also, in modern life job opportunities are becoming scarce as the population has grown and these job opportunities are only available for the learned people. These job opportunities are mostly available in urban areas as that is where most offices are located unlike in traditional society where jobs could be found anywhere. Another characteristic of modern life is that industry and technology have advanced. Industries today have incorporated technology in them developing systems which have automated processes of the industries CITATION Hen18 \l 1033 (Nielsen, 2018). This has reduced the contribution of human beings in industry operations making them jobless.
The modern society has natural means of communication compared to traditional culture. These include things like the internet which lets people communicate via email or even Social Media. People can also communicate via mobile phones, and this has eased the business process as staffs or offices can communicate via mobile phones. The increase in crime is another characteristic of modern society. This is because people are trying to compete and due to this pressure some end up committing robbery or even murder to attain what they want CITATION Hen18 \l 1033 (Nielsen, 2018).
Also, in modern society women and men are considered as equals a thing which was not tolerated in traditional society. Of late women are learning and working ...
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