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Writing Assignment On Cognitive Abilities Statement

Essay Instructions:

Extra credit 1:

Carefully read the following two statements below:

a. To test children on their early cognitive abilities it is crucial to use paradigms that

are a direct test of children’s capacities, for instance by asking them questions

about their knowledge or by having them choos between two alternatives.

b. To test children on their early cognitive abilities it is crucial to use paradigm that

can be used to test young infants and that ma rely on looking time or sucking

rate differences. While this would involve making inferences about the reason

differences in looking times or sucking rates are observed, they ensure that we

can test infants on their earliest cognitive capacities.

Write two 1-page (letter size, Times New Roman 12, 1-inch margins) discussions, one

defending the former statement and one defending the second statement. The

discussions will be judged on both content and style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

First Statement
It is true that to test children on their early cognitive abilities; it is crucial to use paradigms that are a direct test of children’s capacities, for instance by asking them questions about their knowledge or by having them choose between two alternatives. Generally, cognitive abilities is dependent on the age. Although there are various instances when you find that an individual’s age does not match their age, the cases are very few. There are certain medically and socially proven developmental milestones. It is these milestones that are used to monitor not only children’s physical development of the children but also both social and cognitive development. Direct tests of children’s capacities are the most suitable ways of testing cognitive abilities for children. Children’s abilities are strictly dependent on the environment. As children grow, they learn to focus their attention. The periods to which they can hold up their attention also rely on their respective ages.
Similarly, their abilities to remember old information also develop gradually, as such these cannot be used to test their cognitive skills comprehensively. The strengths of children to apply old knowledge to the present or even to use or reconstruct the information in the present is not suitable to test their cognitive abilities. Common tests about their capacities instead like relating two objects that they are familiar with is more suitable. Children capacities are based on developmental skills. It, therefore, holds that it is these tests that the children’s cognitive functions should be based. Testing children on capacities above their development or instead not fully developed ca...
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