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Age related changes and interventions Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

write an essay that is at least 500 words naming three age-related changes and ways to slow progression or improve the quality of life despite these changes for each of these.

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Most industrialized nations have seen an increased number of older people because of improved quality of life and health care. Although the number is high, this does not mean they do not suffer from old age-related health issues. Whereas some can be avoided by living a healthy and planned life from younger days, some changes cannot be avoided. It takes the society, government and the individual effort to ensure quality of life is achieved even after suffering from age-related issues. The modern society is committed to providing social services and quality health care through systems, which are in flux and have regional policy formulations. Thus, the ability of the family and the community at large will ensure on the improved life quality of the older person. Health, economic and social care for old persons do vary substantially among the individuals due to a number of reasons, many factors include the life-changing occurrences especially in health that are related to age. This paper is going to analyze these changes with a focus on urogenital, eyes and ears, and Brain Memory and Alzheimer disease.
In the past confusion and memory loss were accepted in the society as one of the conditions of growing old. However, with increased research scientists have observed that even at old age people can still be able and remain alert even if it takes longer than it used to, remembering things should be a lifetime gift (Glisky, 2007). Old people do experience ongoing memory problems, where the change occurs in memory. As one gets old, the changes occur in the body includi...
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