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Psychology Research Evaluation Outline

Essay Instructions:

5 pages MINIMUM and MAXIMUM, double-spaced, APA style –

You need to have two research articles as references – the articles must be a research study and not a review

Cover page and reference page are not included in page count. Please remember to cite the authors correctly within your paper.

Page 1-2:

1. Introduction – you can get information for your introduction from the two research articles that you have read. Go to the introduction section, and begin to paraphrase and summarize what you have read. At the end of each paragraph, I would like to hear your voice, and your opinions, of course without using ‘I’ or ‘my’

2. Introduction – you do not have to summarize the entire introduction of the research articles because they are quite long, you just need to find the points and paragraphs that interest you, and write about that

Page 3:

1. Methods – this info you can get from the methods section in the research articles you chose, be specific with the participants and who was included in the study, you may insert your opinion when writing about the population chosen and the participants included in the study

2. Methods – make sure you include exactly how the experiment was conducted, which type of research methods did they use? Surveys/ experiments/ observation. Describe the process of the experiment or survey questions. How did they collect their data? Was the process ethical, what precautions did they take to ensure that all procedures were ethical.

Page 4:

1. Results – the majority of the information about the results of the study can be found in the following places in research articles (since the results section is usually full of a lot of statistics and numbers that you won’t understand): Abstract, Discussion and from the headers of the results section. Remember, I would like to hear your voice and your opinion about the results that the articles discuss.

Page 5:

1. Discussion and Limitations – you can find info for this section under the discussion section and the limitation section of a research article (if a research article does not have a limitation section, I would like you to think of some or check at the end of the discussion section, it might be there)

2. Discussion and Limitations – here is where I would like to hear your voice the most, discuss the results of the research studies and why you think these results are important, you can paraphrase some of what the articles are saying, but I would rather you come up with your own reasons why this research study was important and how the information that was discovered can help in the future. Be creative!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research Evaluation Outline
Research Evaluation Outline
All over the world, depression is a growing cause of concern because of its increasing prevalence among youths. Due to this, many research studies have focused on trying to pinpoint the real causes of this depression by associating it with different factors. A 2016 study by Liu Yi Lin et al. and another by Krylova in 2017 have largely associated depression with the use of social media. The two articles note the increasing rate at which depression is becoming prevalent among the youths in the United States. When compared to other types of mental disorders, depression in the US is the leading cause of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). This reason, added to the economic burden it causes has led to the increased concern about the issue. The economic burden is usually felt regarding a reduction in the overall productivity of workers, increases in the rates of suicides and medical expenses. Young adults are often more susceptible to depression, which is not surprising considering that they are the leading users of social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter. By examining the various social media sites that young adults are exposed to, this paper shows the existence of a possible link between the use of social media and the increasing depression.
Approximately 1 out of 6 persons in the United States suffer from depression each year. Interestingly, a good percentage of suicide victims were believed to have suffered from depression. Such people often exhibit symptoms such as disinterest in activities, changes in appetite and weight, restlessness, the inability to sleep, feeling worthless, making suicide attempts and being unable to think or concentrate. With the emergence of technology, many young people have allowed social media to define their identities and serve as a source of their emotional fulfillment. Unfortunately, this has led to the wrong media use by promoting aggressive and harmful acts such as cyberbullying. The anonymity provided by social media sites usually gives the bullies an advantage since they can prey on their victims without their identities being known.
In most cases, those who fall, the victim, are those youths that are considered social rejects, and therefore are perceived as being of low self-control and low self-esteem. Within the schools in the Boston area, past research has shown that a good number of students often fell into depression caused by cyberbullying. Others even entertained suicidal thoughts because of the same. Generally, the idea of cyberbullying on social media causing depression makes much sense, especially considering that those targeted already could be suffering from some identity and emotional issues. It is only true that such people will fall into depression since they expect to find solace and sympathy from these platforms and not for their real-life weaknesses to be shared openly with the online community.
Social media use is common among young adults who in most cases use these sites for connectivity purposes. Evidently, in the United States, the young adults make up 90% of all social media users (Lin et al., 2016). With a majority owning personal computers and mobile phones, they tend to spend quite a lot of time every day just visiting social media. While on the different social media platforms, they can connect with friends, family, and colleagues and share their personal information, news and get entertainment. Due to the free access to information on social media and the much time spent on the platforms, many young people tend to be easily affected by whatever is on the sites. A study by Krylova (2017) points out that the feeling of envy that develops from social media use could potentially lead to depression. The study also identified other potential factors such as unsettling news, being reminded of bad experiences of the past, unsettling news, and addiction to the use of social media. Indeed, social media platforms give too much freedom to its users. The uncontrolled sharing and receiving of information is bound to lead to these actors, which in turn ...
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