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Attention, Perception, and Memory: Brain Capabilities and their Development

Essay Instructions:

In class we’ve discussed many topics regarding the mind and brain (e.g., perception, attention, memory, language, reasoning, learning, development of these capacities).

Find a media report (e.g., a traditional or online newspaper, a podcast, a TED Talk) for three of those topics. The only constraint is that the content must have been published or aired no earlier than January 2018. Describe in 200-250 words for each of the three reports what construct the report discusses and how it relates to what we’ve learned in class. Be sure to include a copy of or a link to the media reports

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human brains have different capabilities of doing things. The functioning of the human brain varies with the age of a person. Human beings use their brains to reason, perceive, learning, memory and even for attention. Different people who include journalists and researchers have different things to say about the human brain and how it functions and development of its capabilities. The media people also write also write about brain functioning almost daily. This paper will discuss three brain capabilities which include; attention, perception, and memory referring to media reports on how they develop.
Attention is one of the brains and mind capability (Soltani et al.2018). Attention is defined according to psychology as the state of focused awareness on the subset of the available information. As a function of the brain, attention identifies irrelevant data and filters it out facilitating important data to be distributed to the other mental processes. Through attentional processes, the brain is able to handle a subset of information at a time. Attention is divided into two attentional systems; exogenous and endogenous control (Barbot,Landy & Carrasco,2012).
Exogenous control is responsible for orienting reflex and pop-out effects while endogenous control is responsible for divided attention and conscious processing (Barbot,Landy & Carrasco,2012). As we had discussed in class, brain matures at different paces for different people. Attention starts to develop when a person is still young. A child starts to slowly give attention to she sees or hears mostly. It then grows as the child grows (Wang, 2015). The ability of a person to listen to two things at a time is made possible by the attention. A person will listen to two things at a time e.g. listening to a speech while listening to music through earphones. The person listens to both but gives attention to one.
Attention is generated by sensory cues and signals on the tuning properties of sensory neurons. Attention and consciousness are related but have very complex differences although they are both brain functions. Researches are being contacted to help explain the similarities and differences between the two. The brain gives attention to some part of the available information and ignores the rest.
Memory is another capability of the human mind and brain. Memory is divided into short and long-term. Short-term is also referred to as working memory. Short-term memory can be defined as the ability to remember information in the face of distraction. Short-term memory is a capability of the brain to hold limited temporary information responsible for processing. Working memory is essential for reasoning and guidance for decision making and behavior. Forgetting is also a part of short-term memory (Soltani et al.2018).
Long-term memory, on th...
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