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What problems might occur as a result of compulsory testing. HIV

Essay Instructions:

It has been suggested that all adolescents and adults should be required to undergo screening for the presence of HIV. Do you agree with this recommendation? How might the results of such testing be effectively used to reduce the transmission of HIV? What problems might occur as a result of compulsory screening? Do you believe that mandatory testing would be an unjustifiable violation of privacy rights?

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It has been suggested that all adolescents and adults should be required to undergo screening for the presence of HIV.
Do you agree with this recommendation?
Yes, I agree that all adolescents and adults should undergo screening for the presence of HIV. The goal of screening is to identify individuals who are HIV positive, engage them in HIV care for their own health, and reduce the transmission of HIV to others. Screening is beneficial for both adolescents and adults because, through it, there can be early detection of HIV which allows early treatment to prevent the progression of the disease and maintain health. Through screening, adolescents and adults who have been determined to have HIV can prevent its transmission to others, and the HIV infection can be controlled on a stable regimen. Further, the earlier the detection and the sooner the treatment is administered after diagnosis, the more the individuals diagnosed with HIV will benefit from ART (CDC, 2018).
How might the results of such testing be effectively used to reduce the transmission of HIV?
The results of such testing can be effectively used to reduce HIV transmission because once an individual has been determined to have HIV; some measures can be taken to prevent transmission. First is taking medication. The most important action that can be taken is taking ARTs (Antiretroviral), every day, exactly as prescribed. By taking ARTs, one’s viral load remains undetectable, and there is effectively no possibility of HIV transmission to an HIV-negative partner through sex (HI.gov, 2018). Second is discussing PrEP with an HIV negative partner. PrEP refers to daily medication that reduces an HIV negative person’s chance of contracting HIV. Taken daily, PrEP can prevent HIV from taking hold and transmitting through an individual’s body (HIV.gov, 2018).
The results of such testing can also be used to talk to HIV negative partners about PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis). If an HIV negative partner has had a possible exposure to HIV, starting on PEP instantly and taking it daily for twenty-eight days will reduce the chance of HIV transmission (HIV.gov, 2018). Also, once the results of such testing are obtained, it is also advisable to get tested for other STDs. STDs can have detrimental health consequences. They can also increase the risk of contracting and transmitting HIV. Thus, getting tested and treated for other STDs is an action that can reduce transmission (HIV.gov, 2018). Choosing less risky sexual behaviors can also prevent transmission. Sexual activities that do not involve contact with bodily fluids carry no risk of HIV transmission.
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