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Developmental psychology. Science. Psychology Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Carefully read the following two statements below:

a. To test children on their early cognitive abilities it is crucial to use paradigms that

are a direct test of children’s capacities, for instance by asking them questions

about their knowledge or by having them choose between two alternatives.

b. To test children on their early cognitive abilities it is crucial to use paradigms that

can be used to test young infants, and that may rely on looking time or sucking

rate differences. While this would involve making inferences about the reason

differences in looking times or sucking rates are observed, they ensure that we

can test infants on their earliest cognitive capacities.

Write two 1-page (letter size, Times New Roman 12, 1-inch margins) discussions, one

defending the former statement and one defending the second statement. The

discussions will be judged on both content and style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developmental Psychology
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Part 1
In the context of science or psychology, a paradigm is a distinctive set of patterns or concepts, such as postulates, standards, theories, and research methods, which constitute legitimate contributions to the field. In order to test children’s cognitive abilities, it is essential to use a variety of paradigms that help study and examine varying mental processes. First of all, children should be encouraged to answer a couple of open-ended questions such as what is your name, how old are you, who are your best friends, what is the name of your teacher, etc. Another way to check their cognitive abilities is by asking them to choose from any two things, materials, components or colors. Cognitivism is the school of thoughts that highlights how people represent information mentally and what types of reactions they should to a particular situation. Obviously, children will not show the same kinds of reaction to a single situation. For instance, if they are exposed to an unhygienic environment, some of them may show severe reactions while others may not react immediately. Thus, it can be said that different types of paradigms are involved in the process of determining the cognitive abilities of children. A paradigm always dictates what has been measured and observed, how the questions have been answered by children, how the research should be carried out in this field, and what kinds of equipment or apparatus is appropriate. In some circumstances, children ...
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