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Free Will and Responsibility. Psychology Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Listen to Gregg Caruso's video discussion on "Free Will and Responsibility" and Gazzaniga's video discussion on "How Free is Your Will?".

React to both Caruso's and Gazzaniga's ideas, do you agree or disagree? Be specific by citing some of their points, and your reactions.


The dark side of free will | Gregg Caruso


How Free Is Your Will? An interview with Michael Gazzaniga


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Free Will and Responsibility Name Institutional Affiliation  Free Will and Responsibility Free will is probably one of the most prominent concepts that help to explain the culpability of human beings in various situations. The two words free will and responsibility go together in most of the situations. To many individuals, there is a constructive link existing between the exercise of free will and moral responsibility. Others believe that the concepts of free will are a direct link to the moral responsibility of what we do in day to day situations. Through Gregg Caruso in “The dark side of free will" and Gazzaniga in "How Free is Your Will?" we get deeper insights of the relationship in these two concepts as well as the point of view of each and every one of them.Gregg labels himself as a free will skeptic who believes that the people we are and what we ultimately do are as a result of factors which are beyond our control. In his view, he does not believe or disbelieve the concept of free will but his talk has no point on discouraging us on the nonexistence of the freewill. Instead, he poses a question deliberating on the possible effect that could befall us when we stop believing in the free will or in case we are to act like the free will does not exist (Gregg, 2014). Whatever the answer that can be assumed from the aforementioned issue, Gregg believes that we would be presented with a more human society without the free will concept. Openly from his point of view, the issues of the freewill make the world more inhumane and make most of the people feel like when one acts against the free will their only remedy is to experience the cruelest of the punishments in the world.I tend to think Gregg makes far important points, more so on the implications for the manner in which we deal with the criminal behavior. It is important for people to shift the manner in which they deal with criminality, similar to the way in which we deal with dangerous infectious diseases. In dealing with infectious diseases, we employ quarantine, which ensures that we keep away the infected animals from the rest, hence preventing them from infecting the healthy. This can also be applied to criminology. It would mean that the individuals who are found criminally culpable be secluded from the people and rehabilitated. There should be a number of steps taken towards handling the cases that make people commit a crime....
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