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On Dreams by Freud Psychology Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

After reading Freud's On Dreams (Chapter 2 pages 6-20), react to how transparent he is as he shares with the world his dreams ( and reveals his unconscious impulses contained in them). Also, react to how brutally honest he is as he attempts to analyze them in front of us.


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According to Professor Freud dreams are a significant part of life for any normal human being. In many instances, however, many people do not realize that dreams have an in-depth meaning other than just the experience. Dreams in most instances are not manifested in a clear or even a straightforward manner to be understood easily in the lay man's language. For that reason, many thought that dreams do not have an important meaning to the dreamer. However, Freud conducted several studies to prove that dreams have a deeper meaning which is hidden. By condensing the latent content it appears to be non-existent. Additionally, the information that appears in the dream is distorted and is therefore difficult to unravel the hidden messages in it. It is important to identify the hidden messages in a dream because the information could guide one in telling what will happen in the future.
The Dream Theory
Freud’s puts it clear that in all the conscious activities that take place in the life of a human being none is lost completely. The information is no longer in its current conscious state but has already moved to the subconscious state where it stays. As a way to prove his argument, Freud explains that by using the right mechanisms one can attain the information that is hidden in the subconscious mind. The right mechanism according to Freud is known as psychoanalysis (Littlewood, 2015). He uses the example of an individual who has gone through a strong experience emotionally. There is a very high possibility that the individual will lose important memories of the incident. Further, the individual may experience the problem of fear which is unreasonable. They may not want to be left alone, may have difficult...
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