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Incidences of Suicide among Adolescents

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Incidences of Suicide among AdolescentsNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Suicide is one of the health problems that are affecting the young people in different ways. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among the teenagers in the world. There are different factors that have been linked to suicide. One of the factors that has been linked to suicide is depression and it is one of the psychological factors for teen suicide. Drug abuse specifically the use of alcohol also remains is so widespread among the adolescents and it is associated with the increases incidences of suicide. As a health problem, suicidality can be seen as the occurrence of suicide thoughts in an individual and portraying a suicidal behavior. As mentioned previously, suicidal; thoughts can come out of depression. When someone is depressed, they will begin developing suicidal thoughts and in most cases if they do not seek any help, then it may lead to death. Empirical research has been carried out over the years and the findings reveal that the occurrence of mental disorders and substance abuse are the risk factors for cases of suicide among the young people. In a research carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO), it was observed that the suicide rates were higher in males that is 10.5 while in females it was 4.1CITATION Dan05 \l 1033 (Dannuta, Qi Cheng, & Jiang, 2005). The above scenario was observed in all countries except Cuba, China, El Salvador, Sri Lanka and Ecuador where the rate of suicide among the females was higher than that of maleCITATION Dan05 \l 1033 (Dannuta, Qi Cheng, & Jiang, 2005). Researchers have been involved in various studies with the aim of coming up with the appropriate suicide prevention measures among the young people. The aim of this paper is to provide a critique of the existing empirical research on the incidences of suicidality among the adolescents.
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Incidences of Suicide among the Adolescents
As mentioned previously, there are increased incidences of suicide among the adolescents in recent times. As a way of helping the young people, the society needs to come up with different strategies of helping the adolescents in the community so that they cannot fall into trouble. Different authors have provided their view on the topic and the ways in which the adolescents can be helped to reduce incidences of suicide. Some of the strategies have worked while there are others which have failed to work.
In their research, Dannuta, Qi Cheng and Jiang found out that suicide was still a major health problem that was affecting different countries and at least a million people were estimated to die in a year in relation to the cases of suicideCITATION Dan05 \l 1033 (Dannuta, Qi Cheng, & Jiang, 2005). The authors did a research to establish and give a general overview of the cases of suicide that were affecting different people in the world by looking for the suicide rates data from the World Health Organization database. The method that they used in their research was downloading data from the WHO Mortality Database Website where the causes of death for the adolescents was provided for over 90 countriesCITATION Dan05 \l 1033 (Dannuta, Qi Cheng, & Jiang, 2005). The data files were then converted to SPSS files where they were later merged and analyzed according to the gender, age group, their cause of death and the year. The suicide rates were then calculated by the researchers and then they were later collected and analyzed. There were also a few countries that were excluded from the analysis. As part of evaluating the rates of suicide and the trends, the data obtained from the countries was analyzed and the total number of incidences of death were divided by the number of deaths in each of the diagnostic category so as to arrive at the percentage of the causes of death. The findings from the research revealed that the rate suicide mean for 15-19 year olds in the various countries was 7.4/100,000CITATION Dan05 \l 1033 (Dannuta, Qi Cheng, & Jiang, 2005). For both the male and female, the mean suicide rate was observed to be 8.4/100,000 which was a bit higher than the one that has been previously mentioned. Suicide was also ranked the fourth cause of death for the males and third for the femalesCITATION Dan05 \l 1033 (Dannuta, Qi Cheng, & Jiang, 2005).
Dennis et al also carried out a research carried out a review of the existing literature on the ways of treating the rising number of suicide rates among the youth. After carrying out their review of the available treatment procedures, they carried out a randomized control trials (RCTs) with the aim of establishing the effects of their interventions on the treatment of suicidality CITATION Den14 \l 1033 (Dennis, Troy, Daniel, Paul, & Joan, 2014). The therapeutic procedures used during the ...
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