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Gender, Development & Identity: A Course Reflection. Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Reflect upon your learning in this course throughout the semester. Consider what you have done well and where you can improve.

Why I want you to do it:

In the end your education is about you: the new ideas and insights your gain and any changes in habits or behavior you try out and adopt. Self-reflection and introspection is an important psychological exercise that can help you grow, develop your mind, and extract value from your mistakes. This assignment is your chance to self-reflect think on what you’ve learned during the semester, to consider what you have done well and where you can improve.

How I want you to do it:

Provide an overview of your learning process this semester. What insights have you developed about psychology within yourself and in others? What new habits or behavior have your tried and adopted?

Document your learning process by including specific examples of your improvement over the semester.

Some prompts – but feel free to use others:

Can you identify one important concept, research finding, theory, idea, or practice that you learned while taking this class?

What do you believe is important about this concept, research finding, theory, idea or practice?

Apply what you have learned from this class to some aspect of your life.

Describe how your beliefs, attitudes, or behavior evolved over the semester, using as evidence specific assignments or in-class activities (taking surveys or assessments, reviewing studies or articles, discussion in breakout groups or full class).

Challenges: What was new and/or challenging?

Changes: Have any of your ideas or habits changed? How has material or topics covered in the course changed your mind and efforts? What made a difference for you? What was helpful? What would you change?

What application do you see this class having to your life beyond this semester?

What question(s) has the class raised for you? What are you still wondering about?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender, Development & Identity: A Course Reflection
Student Name
College/University Affiliation
Gender, Development & Identity: A Course Reflection
This course is and, I believe, will always be of enduring impact on my understanding of the human psyche, gender, identity, and socialization processes. My learning curve follows a fairly common path starting with a sense of unease and ending with full subscription and willing engagement in between. Typically, learning – and, for that matter, unlearning – concepts and
habits well embedded in one's everyday life since childhood are hard to dislocate, let alone change. This course has, however, made it possible for me to change perspective in numerous ways, not only about concepts I have come to learn (more) about yet, more importantly, about who I am and where I stand. Indeed, for a diversity of stereotyped notions about gender, development, and identity, I have come to develop a more critical understanding of what I accept as "normal" or just okay. If anything, empathy – or, using coarse language, emotional intelligence – is one major vehicle via which I have come to learn (and unlearn). To step out of my own comfort zone of (happy) heterosexual identity into different, (once distant, now so familiar) shoes of multiple identities amounts to a journey of soul-searching. The "facts" and "statistics" I have been shown may be helpful to ground abstract concepts into reality. Then again, factual information is not devoid of richer and deeper discussions and conversations, just as helpful to understand where one (I?) stand (should stand?) about gender, development, and identity. This course is, in hindsight, more of a yet another course in psychology. This course is, I admit, a transformative experience only should one listen carefully and empathize mindfully. The particulars of the current course may – will – fade after a while. The meanings – experiences – I have gained are not going anywhere. This course reflection is, accordingly, less about regurgitation of matters past discussed in class and more about a critical evaluation of what I have come to understand – and be – after such course.
The Freudian conceptualization of gender – and women – offers an interesting starting point. In a Freudian proper understanding of gender, development, and identity, past experiences, particularly sexual experiences, shape present and future human behavior. This understanding, critiqued by Feminist psychologists, is informed by a sexist and patriarchal conceptualization of gendered identity as binary: male/female or Oedipus/Electra. Identifying gaps in the Freudian analysis of gendered identities by Feminist psychologists offer wider windows to understand gender and identity beyond binaries. Indeed, much of subsequent work ...
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