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A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you are a board certified assistant behavior analyst (BCaBA). You have been working under the supervision of a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA) for 6 months, and your supervisor recently assigned you two cases and would like you to design a behavior intervention plan (BIP) for each. However, before he can authorize your behavior plans, you are required to present him with a report that includes the following:

Summary of each case study

Brief overview of the results of your FBA for each case that includes the identification and operational definition of the target behavior and the hypothesized function of the behavior

Proposed antecedent-based BIP for Scenario #1 and differential reinforcement BIP for Scenario #2

Explain the steps in, and provide your rationale for, the antecedent-based BIP and the differential reinforcement BIP.

Explain why you are qualified to work with these clients using the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB’s) Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, Codes 1.05 Practicing within Scope of Competence and 3.03

Accepting Clients.

One of the potential clients is Japanese American. Explain your obligations to this client using the BACB’s ethics codes: 1.07 Cultural Responsiveness and Diversity and 2.08 Communicating about Services.

Discuss how you will fulfil these obligations.

Gift-giving in Japan is highly ritualistic and meaningful. What does the BACB ethics code 1.12 Giving and Receiving Gifts require? How can you avoid a conflict between your potential client’s cultural practices and your ethics code?

Scenario #1:

Koki is 4 years old. His grandparents came to the United States from Japan shortly after World War II. Koki, his parents, and his grandparents live together in an upper middle-class neighborhood. All adults in the family feel a strong responsibility to share in child rearing.

Koki is an energetic little boy! He loves to climb up onto the big, oversized armchair and jump as if he is on a trampoline. In fact, he often jumps from chair to couch and back to the chair again — over and over until he has worked up a sweat. Koki’s mother and grandmother have been trying to prepare him for kindergarten by teaching him his numbers and the alphabet, but he will not cooperate. Every time they try to sit him down at the table to work, he refuses to answer any of their questions. His grandmother will hold up a card with a letter on it and ask, “What is this letter, Koki?” But, he just runs to the chair and begins to jump. The same thing happens when his mother tries to work with him on his numbers and shapes. The family is worried that he will be totally unprepared for kindergarten and that would shame the family.

Scenario #2:

Mia is 16 years old. She is very popular and loves to talk on the phone with her many friends. In fact, she spends most of her time when she is not in school on her cell phone. Mia’s mother, Mrs. Peterson, recently had to return to work when her husband’s hours were cut at the local refinery. Mia has five younger siblings, and her mother is counting on her to help with her brothers and sisters and with some of the housework, such as loading the dishwasher, doing the laundry, and getting the children ready for school on weekday mornings. Mrs. Peterson has been working her new job for 3 weeks now, and Mia is not taking care of her responsibilities. When her mother comes home from work, the dishes are still in the sink, the laundry baskets are full, and she has received two notes from school about the children arriving late.

Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.

Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.

Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice in the human service profession.

Reference page: Sources listed in APA format.

Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.

Use standard 1" margins on all sides.

Use APA formatting and citation style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Institution Affiliation
A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Koki’s Case Summary
Koki is a four-year-old who is about to join Kindergarten. His family is dedicated to preparing him for the same, but he does not comply. He tends to climb and jump over a chair until he is too tired to sleep. His family worries that he might not be ready for Kindergarten, which will shame the family. Whenever asked to read his numbers or shame, he runs to the chair, climbing and jumping until he is too tired. Also, he needs to answer questions about the letters of the alphabet. His family worries that he will not be ready for Kindergarten with this behavior.
Mia’s Case
Mia is a 16-year-old female addicted to her cell phone. Her mother, Ms. Peterson, returned to work after her husband's hours were reduced. Ms. Peterson expects Mia to assist in house chores such as laundry and dishwashing and her five siblings with homework. However, her obsession with the phone saw Ms. Peterson receive a note that the siblings were late for school twice. Also, Mia does not assist in laundry or dishwashing.
Both cases need a behavioral intervention plan to change unwanted behaviors. Therefore, the purpose of the assignment is to propose a behavioral intervention plan for Mia to stop her obsession with her phone while Koki is to stop jumping and climbing the chair and enhance concentration.
Thus, to help Koki and Mia, identifying target behavior is crucial. According to Schumacher, target behavior is the recognition and selection of behavior that must be changed to positive (Schumacher et al., 2021). Mia's target behavior is to reduce time spent on the phone to perform her responsibilities. Koki's target behavior is to enhance corporation while he is being taught. A target behavior should be clearly defined, concise, and measurable to achieve the desired behavior (Schumacher et al., 2021). Koki jumps on the couch 4 or more times while Mia spends time on her phone 15-20 minutes for 15 minutes a day. Thus, the hypothesis function of Mia is attention while Koki is escaping. Mia continuously uses her phone to get attention from her followers, as she is famous and popular. Koki escapes and runs to the chair as soon as instructions are read to him, meaning he is escaping from learning as he refuses to answer any question when asked.
Behavioral Intervention Plan for Koki
Antecedent-based BIP is an approach that aims at adjusting the environment or circumstances that leads to behavior and increases the chances of repetition of the unwanted behavior (Boyd et al., 2012). The couch acts as a stimulus that distracts Koki from concentration. Thus, the best strategy the family can employ change the environment or the stimulus that triggers undesired behavior. For instance, the family can change Koki’s learning environment to his room to avoid distraction. This way, Koki will not be distracted from learning. Also, the family can modify the numbers and letters into edible candies and allow Koki to eat them after every alphabet or number he identifies.
Differential Reinforcement BIP for Mia
Differential reinforcement is a structural process that reduces unwanted behaviors, or increases wanted positive behaviors by retaining the reinforcement or giving posi...
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