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Essay Instructions:
Unit 3 covered information regarding motivating operations (MOs). You learned that MOs are antecedent variables that have the power to change the value of a reinforcer or punisher. This change in value brings about changes in the behavior typically expressed to gain a specific reinforcer or to avoid a specific punisher. Your growing understanding of how these value-altering stimuli work allow you to incorporate them into your behavior intervention plans (BIPs) to make them more effective. Watch the Unit 3 Lecture. (view Unit 3 Lecture Transcript) Read the following scenario. The team project is due in 2-weeks. You have been elected group leader and have accepted the extra responsibilities even though it will mean a few sleepless nights. It may help you lessen your workload if you delegate responsibilities to your group members. The project requires that you create behavior intervention plans for two elementary school students. You will need to utilize Motivating Operations (MOs) in your plan. For this Discussion Board post, you will evaluate the following cases and answer the following questions related to motivating operations. Be sure to include establishing and abolishing operations when necessary. Describe the importance of fading reinforcement to natural reinforcers as frequently as possible. How can teachers and behavior analysts consider motivating operations when teaching new skills? Scenario 1: Pico struggles with finding the motivation to do his laundry when his parents ask. His parents want to develop some type of reinforcement system based on his motivation, but don't know where to start. A preference assessment was conducted by his BCBA and concluded that his most preferred item was ipad time. How can his parents and BCBA develop a plan to increase Pico's motivation for this task? Scenario 2: Vivi often plays with bouncy balls, playdouh, rice bins, and swings. She enjoys sensory related activities according to her parents. Lately, Vivi has been working with her teacher on functional communication. Her teacher is working on having her request for specific sensory items she prefers. How can her teacher contrive the environment to encourage functional communication? Chapter 16 in Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd edition): “Motivating Operations” Chapter 26 in Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd edition): “Antecedent Interventions” book link https://www(dot)icloud(dot)com/iclouddrive/017gsLuEN-tN_JFPiytIQfrwQ#applied-behavior-analysis
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Negative Reinforcement Author’s Name The Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Assignment Due Date In the example of Pico, the parents face the dilemma of enforcing positive behavior (doing the laundry) on specific occasions. Under this scenario, the principle of fading reinforcement is a way to implement motivating operations (MOs) and indirectly reinforce the desired behavior in Pico. Therefore, the proposed plan for this reinforcement draws on the philosophy of modulating behaviors through manipulating fads; accordingly, sensing Pico’s interest in the iPad, the parents and BCBA may allow him to use his iPad in exchange for doing his laundry. In this initial phase, Pico will be motivated to do the laundry because he gets the chance to play with his fad. However, in the later phase of the plan, the iPad time is replaced by providing Pico with a glimpse of the iPa...
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