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Week 8 Define The Term Boundaryless Organization

Essay Instructions:

Based on your textbook Greenberg, J. (2011). Behavior in organizations (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Answer provide detail and thorough responses to the following questions

1. Define the term boundaryless organization, and explain the forms it takes. (65-words minimum)

2. How is organizational behavior impacted by each of the five dimensions of organizational structure? (190-word minimum)

3. What is organizational design? Differentiate between the classical, neoclassical, and contingency organizational design approaches. (190-words minimum)

4. Explain what is meant by inter-organizational design, and compare and contrast three designs. (190-words minimum)

5. Describe three ways to structure an organization, and discuss the pros and cons of each. (190-words minimum)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

1. Define the term boundaryless organization, and explain the forms it takes.
Boundaryless organizations are associations that have broad management policies that are successful in the down of any barriers between internal structures, the working departments, and reduced external barricades between the organization and the people it carries out its business with operations across different environments. Examples of management policies that might be used to develop an organization into a boundaryless institution might be the creation of a leveled management structure to encourage interdepartmental developments and the empowerment of staff members.
2. How is organizational behavior impacted by each of the five dimensions of organizational structure?
There are five dimensions of organizational structure involved in business management. These structures aim at ensuring that the management functions are well operationalized to ensure that the operations of the firm are successful. One of the dimensions is specialization, which involves ensuring that the members play roles that they have adequate competency in playing(Greenberg, 2011). The next impact is through standardization, where managers use different methods to ensure that there is uniformity in production through the operations of the firm and also augments the economies of scale of the firm by eliminating any duplicated efforts. The other process is formalization, where the management team stipulates the specific procedures, responsibilities and the regulations that individual employees need to follow to ensure that the departmental units, the teams, and the institutions had broad and stable operational procedures. Centralization is also another key dimension in management where the powers, decision-making, and instructions to be followed in the organization come from a central unit. The last dimension is configuration, which involves the maintenance of consistency in the performance of a product, the functional aspect and operational attributes to ensure that there is efficient production in the firm.
3. What is organizational design?
Organizational design is a procedural methodology that identifies the dysfunctional elements in workflow, and the systems of an organization to realign these aspects to ensure that they fit the business objectives and development plan to implement any organizational changes. Organizational design can also be termed as a clear plan to help in the management and growth of business operations.
Differentiate between the classical, neoclassical, and contingency organizational design approaches.
Classical organizational design is a scientific management approach that manages the total organization and the overall pattern through approaches such as organizational efficacy, simplification, and specialization to ensure that there is an arrangemen...
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