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Data Protection And Privacy Case Question

Essay Instructions:

After you read the Information Technology in Organizations case, answer the questions below. I will be reviewing these for evidence that you have read the case and incorporated your understanding. You may submit your answers either in text entry or in a Word document. You will not receive a grade on this assignment but you will be marked complete or incomplete and your submission will be counted towards your final participation grade.Case Study Questions1. What is your organization’s policy on data protection and privacy? How might you change it and why?2. How do you strike the right balance of data protection with its associated costs of monitoring/tracking?3. Where does data ownership lie in your organization and how does it support the business?4. How are data policies governed in your organization and is it effective? Who drives policy changes?5. What is the cost of lax data protection for your organization (e.g., reputation risk, fraud, intellectual property theft, etc.)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data Protection and Privacy
Question 1
The organization has a strict policy that discourages employees from spending their time on websites that are not related to their work. As a result, the organization has installed special software on every employee’s computer to monitor the use of the internet and prohibit them from visiting social media sites. The policy also includes informing employees about how they are monitored by the company.
Question 2
One way to strike the right balance between data protection and the cost of monitoring is to analyze the legal consequences of monitoring online activities of employees in an organization (Rossi, 2014). The recent GDPR rules state that employees have a right to workplace privacy. Therefore, organizations should only collect data that helps them to enforce their data protection policies.
Question 3
Corporate data belongs to the organization, and as a result, the company is the owner. Each department in the organization ...
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