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Leadership And Management, Leadership Engine Weiss

Essay Instructions:

First summarize each chapter of the book leadership engine in a few words and then give your own reflection. same requirement for each article.

The reflection no need to totally agree you just provide your own thought on authors' point

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Leadership and Management
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Leadership and Management
From the book titled leadership Engine Weiss had run the Ameritech Company for seven years before he had known how to come up with winning leadership skills. To be a great leader, you have to be a teacher, a learner and a motivator of the team that you are leading (Tichy & Cohen, 2009). Organizations who have good leaders at all the levels become the winners in their businesses. Great companies and firms nurture great leaders whom they motivate and reward since they understand the role of good leadership in business. Without great leadership at all levels of an organizations management, companies and firms stagnate and lack growth Weiss might have realized very late that what he needed is the skill to organize and motivate his workers.
For the organizations to keep winning, they first need to understand what winning is. Succeeding in business means that the value of the firm’s operations and gains must be added progressively. We should know that for the company to keep in its operations for a long time, it needs to have sustained excellence. Long term winning and gaining comes from the leaders' patience and the ability to cope with the changing business environment (Tichy & Cohen, 2009). Many managers think that downsizing and laying off employees for the sake of the shareholder gain is a wise decision. They forget that the higher the number of employees the greater the output of the business. Wise leaders or managers foresee the future and see what they can do to improve the business operations through their leadership to increase the gains.
It is evident today that the digital world is changing at an accelerated rate. The change has presented a challenge to the managers as they have to work their way to cope with the changing world. The managers have to work within budget and time to improve and leverage the technology to their advantage (Baculard, 2017). Many of the firms are creating applications to help them to get closer to their client's thanks to the emergence of smartphones. The modern technology has affected all the businesses but differently (Baculard, 2017). It has transformed the customer line, the operations and the even the products and services. The challenge has also brought an opportunity to the companies who realize the power of technology and especially the internet is taking the business higher.
Leadership and management are two inseparable things. Leadership learning is a lifelong process as the world, and the workplace is dynamic. What used to work ten years ago does not necessarily have to work today (Bennis & Thomas, 2002). Therefore, managers also have to be the most dynamic people since they have to change with the changing trends. Some leaders can motivate and energize their workers while others have the same vision and energy but are unable to motivate workers (Bennis & Thomas, 2002). The reasons why charismatic leaders can motivate others is because of how they react when they are facing a particular crisis. Leaders who solve a challenge amicably and even see the opportunities in the problems always motivate others and remain great leaders. Research has proven that the most influential leaders are the one who able to find the meaning in the challenges and use those challenges as a lesson.
One of the greatest leaders in history is Steve Jobs. He had an extraordinary ability to motivate and lead his team. Jobs was determined to improve the business in his Apple Company. The qualities that enabled him to survive and beat the competitors are focusing on the significant things, ability to change, and his inner self-motivation. We can learn many useful qualities of a great leader from Jobs. Such attributes include pushing for perfection from the employees and learning how to engage the players on a face to face dialogue since it brings more meaning than any other form of communication (Isaacson, 2012). Senior leaders have to play their roles smartly since the workers always look at what the leaders are doing before they can act. That is the reason why Steve jobs still led as an example. For you to initiate a change as a leader, first be the change that you want to see.
Leadership and the ability to lead a successful digital transformation is comparable to urban planning. The three most robust urban planning methods that leaders can use to keep up with the dynamic world competition is erecting modern landmarks like Dubai has done, doing away with bottlenecks to increase speed...
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