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Twitter Privacy Policy Analysis Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

After you read the Privacy Issues in Monetizing Twitter case, answer all questions at the end of the case. I will be reviewing these for evidence that you have read the case and incorporated your understanding. You may submit your answers either in text entry or in a Word document. You will not receive a grade on this assignment but you will be marked complete or incomplete and your submission will be counted towards your final participation grade.Case Study Questions1. As the Twitter Trio, what problems are you facing?2. What issues exist with Data Privacy on the Internet? How does the Internet threaten Privacy?3. Is Twitter abiding by the legal requirements that govern its operations? Explain your response?4. How might customers react to Twitter’s proposal to mine its clients data as a way to generate revenue for the company?5. What options does the trio have and what should they do?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Twitter Privacy Policy Analysis
Twitter Privacy Policy Analysis
Question 1
Twitter is a web-based short messaging service and social media platform where users answer the question “What is Happening?” Answers are limited to 140 or fewer words. However, depending on the settings of the user, anyone on the internet can view these messages from any part of the world. There is, therefore, worry about the privacy of users.
Question 2
The privacy problem of the internet is that for someone to be discoverable, they need to share as much personal information as possible online (Lips & Eppel, 2016). As a social media platform, Twitter collects much information through data mining strategies to identify patterns that help it improve its services. However, this information is tied to the platform’s users using cookies that are downloaded to the user’s computer. These cookies can be stored for a long time, leading to accumulation of sensitive user data. If the user’s computer becomes infected with a virus, this information can be leaked to cybercriminals who can use it to commit crimes against the user.
Question 3
Currently, Twitter is under investigation by Irish authorities for faili...
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