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Google Case Question: Data Protection And Privacy

Essay Instructions:

After you read the Google and Internet Privacy case, answer all questions at the end of the case. I will be reviewing these for evidence that you have read the case and incorporated your understanding. You may submit your answers either in text entry or in a Word document. You will not receive a grade on this assignment but you will be marked complete or incomplete and your submission will be counted towards your final participation grade.Case Study Questions1. How are Google’s business lines (Internet Marketing, G-Mail, Data Analytics, and Street Mapping) contributing to a loss of Privacy?2. What should Winber do with the information he obtained? How could this situation be prevented in the future?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data Protection and Privacy
Data Protection and Privacy
There are several ways that Google’s business lines contribute to increased loss of privacy. Having a good experience with Google services usually requires one to use a combination of their services. For example, it is much convenient to combine Gmail with Google Drive when sending large electronic file attachments compared to using an external cloud storage service. However, many users do not have options to opt out of the services, especially on the company’s mobile platform, Android. The company collects data from its services using cookies (Clemons & Wilson, 2015). A cookie is a computer code that compiles a person’s online activity from different online sources and internet-enabled devices (Jørgensen & Desai, 2017). The cookies then track a person’s behavior online with the goal of showing them targeted advertisements. When a person searches online, checks email watches a favorite video on Youtube or downloads an application from its Android service, this information is collected and processed by the company’s artificia...
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