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Newspaper Article The Criminal Justice System

Essay Instructions:

General Sociology 101-91

Newspaper Article

Instructions: Choose a newspaper article dated January 1, 2018 or later which represents a form of Social injustice/ justice policy that has a societal impact on human behavior and or society. Students need to think broadly and consider the impact that social policy has on America’s institutions (Courts, Police, Social institutions, human behavior, etc.). We will discuss some of these impacts in class.

This is a good opportunity to explore your book and find a topic that interests you. The article must be from a reputable source. A copy of the article must be attached to each of your respective journals. Students are strongly encouraged to use the QC Library, government and or public policy associated websites – stay away from dot com.


You will write a three page, space and a half, 1-inch margins critical and reflective paper for your chosen article. You will support your paper/ commentary with at least two additional outside sources. I want to know your initial reaction to the article? What meaning does it have for YOU? Relate it to class discussions and teem me what impact it could have on our immediate society. You must follow APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Newspaper Article
There have been calls for criminal justice reforms involving juveniles in adult trials and jails, where there is a risk of their well-being is undermined. Ramey’s article in the Wall Street Journal focuses on New York’s proposed changes to delay moving 16 and 17-year-old from Riker’s island jail with adult criminals to other facilities in the city. There is support among city officials and juvenile-justice advocates for criminal justice reforms, but issues have been raised about how to address transition as there was no proper planning to move the juveniles to other facilities (Ramey, 2018). Among the mix members of the New York City Council who requested a delay in the decision on the matter, and the correctional officers, there would be extra need for housing and better planning, which had been ignored.
The criminal justice system has failed juveniles and while 16 and 17 year olds are almost the age of majority for the youth at risk in the adult jails, there are few chances for the rehabilitation. The issue of where to house juvenile offenders is a matter of social justice, but if the correction officers are not properly informed and trained to handle the youth, this will create more problems wherever the juveniles are housed (Ramey, 2018). While the article highlights the perspective of New York City Council and members in the juvenile-justice committee to delay changes from moving the juveniles from Rikers, there is no mention how such policies have worked in other places.
Reforms in the penitentiary system are necessary to reduce overcrowding, but as the newspaper article shows that there is a need to consult various stakeholders and be better prepared to implement changes. There is a higher risk of recidivism when the youths are not reintegrated in the society. Even as there is recognition that adolescents should be treated different than the adults they are still in the same standard as the incarcerated adults (Cohen, 2018). Practices from the adult criminal justice system are common in the juvenile justice system, yet reforming the juvenile justice policies and practices would improve the well-being of juveniles without overburdening the criminal justice system where the courts and police would integrate more appropriate practices and policies (Arnett, 2018).
According to prison sources and ...
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