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Team Management Activity and Reflection Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Here is the scenario and situation:

Assume you are an employee working in the Amazon warehouse, and you pack orders and categorize them into small, medium, and large batches. You are considered a packer. You have experience packing all sizes and have been with the organization for two years. You are considered one of their best employees, you have a solid reputation for being a hard worker, and all of your orders are packed correctly. You have also been busy; you recently completed Amazon’s management training program, and you have completed your BABA degree at the Forbes School of Business and Technology at Ashford University.

Congratulations: You have just been promoted to manager. You will be relocated to a new plant that is two hours away that employs 100 employees. You will oversee a team of 10 supervisors and 90 packers and will now oversee the entire warehouse operation. How will you work to use and apply the five functions of management?

Now let’s apply the five functions. In your paper, include the following sections:

Planning: Examine the specific areas you will choose to manage that fall under the planning function.

For example, what might be some of the things you will plan to do and implement to build an effective team and culture? People are the most important resource in any business, what do you plan to do to build a positive team culture? What processes and systems do you plan to use?

Organizing: Assess if the present structure that Amazon has set up is working.

Do you need to make or suggest any changes to make it more efficient and effective? What structure will you use and implement? Explain how you will use departmentalization in your organizational structure.

Staffing: Analyze your staffing needs.

How do you intend to staff your organization and replace members that leave or are promoted? How does the HR process apply? What things (if any) will you suggest?

Leading: Justify the leadership theory and style you will follow to ensure efficiency.

Will you use transformational or transactional leadership? Why or why not?

Controls: Identify what controls and measures you will implement.

How will you apply the four steps of control (these are in Chapter 7; i.e., establishing standards, measuring performance, comparing performance, and making decisions)?

Be sure to integrate vocabulary learned throughout this course and citations from the text to support your analysis. The paper should be five to six double-spaced pages in length, must include at least three scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook, and be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

The Team Management Activity and Reflection paper

Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least three scholarly, peer reviewed, and/or credible sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Team Management Activity and Reflection
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Team Management Activity and Reflection
Teams remain vital to the success of an organization, thereby making them important to manage efficiently. Even in an era when technology dominates most organizational operations, the reliance on people for performance success remains intact. However, managing teams remains a challenge to managers. Contemporary teams consist of diverse individuals who manifest varying perceptions of the activities of the team. As such, a manager must bear the right characteristics to manage a team in a dynamic operational environment currently to success. This paper explores the five functions of a manager in an active operational environment consisting of people with different skills, knowledge, and perception. The analysis is valuable as it unearths how a manager in active operations can utilize the five functions, including planning, controlling, staffing, organizing, and leading to instill success in their inputs.
Planning is one of the most vital elements of warehouse operations. It is also a key function of management because a lack of planning automatically implies operational failure. Planning in a warehouse involves two stages (Daniel, 2017). The first stage involves choosing the appropriate goals and actions to pursue at a specific time. The activities can involve packing, receiving, or delivering goods. Good planning sets the goals in terms of the specific quality or quantity to deliver. After choosing the appropriate goals, the second stage involves deciding on the right strategies to implement the goals. Every plan can only be executed when there are people and other resources in place to help with the execution process. The resources needed to achieve the goals can be in the number of employees, the right technology to employ, and the nature of actions to take at every step in the process. Planning also constitutes the element of preparedness. In warehouses, things happen fast, and situations change quickly. A good manager must anticipate the impacts of dynamism and help in addressing them as efficiently as possible.
Planning is vital in different specific elements of highly dynamic warehouse operations. Should help with understanding the nature and scope of operations. In a new operational environment, aspects of organizational culture such as scheduling, interpersonal relationships, and operational climate (Daniel, 2017). A new manager must communicate with his/her employees to understand the new culture. From that point, he/she can proceed to execute activities according to the set standards. One of the processes in a warehouse that requires planning is dispatching. Dispatching involves the ability of a manager to have goods ready for departure towards different destinations (Krishnan, 2018). The process is technical because dispatching plans must accommodate readying goods for departure and having carriers ready to load the trucks. In essence, a manager responsible for a warehouse must ensure that there are goods planned for a specific destination, there are carriers, and there are adequate trucks to carry the goods efficiently. Any mishap in the plan can hinder operations in the entire warehouse, something that a new manager may not require at the onset of his/her duties. The other warehousing processes that need planning include scheduling and receiving. Failure to plan for such activities can mean failure.
The next important step to assess and re-engineer is creating a platform for operations. In the context, the challenge lies in the existing structure and how it helps or hinders the activities of the organization. In organizing, the manager develops structures and instills worker relationships that enhance operational efficiency. Currently, Amazon employs a hierarchical structure to steer its operations. Through such a structure, information moves linearly from the top managers to the functional units. While the structure has been appropriate for the organization’s success, a change into a more modern structure will be appropriate. Instilling a divisional structure will be necessary at the onset of the operations. A divisional structure relies on enhanced relationships through departmentalization (Krishnan, 2018). The manager must ensure that each department operates independently to achieve individual goals and collectively to achieve organizational goals.
There are multiple advantages linked to a divisional structure and departmentalization. Primarily, it allows for smooth operations. The departments will be performing autonomously as opposed to the prevalent dependence on top management. The departments can also be directed easily to focus on the overall goal of the facility. Also, it is easier to identify areas where failures arise when activities are departmentalized while they are still geared towards overall performance (Dezenberg, 2017). The ultimate advantage that comes with a divisional st...
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