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Analytics, Broadcast, and Esport Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Esports is a rapidly evolving sector of sport management. Gone are the days of isolated “gamer” communities living in the shadows. There is no stigma, in fact, video games and gamers are a highly sought-after demographic!

Today, esports is a fast-rising industry projected to top over $1 billion by the end of 2019, and nearly $2 billion by the end of 2022. Organizations based in the United States are seeking new methods to find and develop committed esport fans.

One such organization is the Overwatch League. The league, founded in 2017, is based on the popular title published by Blizzard-Activision. The Overwatch League is a head-to-head competition between 20 teams located throughout the world. Thus far, the Overwatch League has cultivated a production and broadcast presentation that is similar to traditional sports such as the National Football League. This has included game broadcasts via traditional networks (e.g. ESPN), commentators, and pregame-postgame shows. However, the organization also streams programming on Twitch, the popular gaming website, incorporating similar elements delivered via the web.

New Revenues and New Fans

Because the Overwatch League does not own the actual game it is staging, that belongs to Blizzard-Activision, it needs to find new creative ways to generate money. Having just read a chapter on sport analytics (which is taking large datasets and finding actionable insights based on your statistical analysis) and sport broadcasting (which has undergone a digital revolution of its own), what suggestions can you make to grow revenues and generate new fans?

Please answer the following questions:

1. How would you use analytics to develop new revenue streams for the Overwatch League?

2. What emerging trends or possible future trends in sport broadcasting could you suggest to the Overwatch League to capture more viewership and create more value for the league?


The assignment is due on Sunday by 11:59 PM, via Blackboard. There is no page length/word count. But, the more knowledge you display, the higher the score.


Week 7 Assignment: Analytics, Broadcast, and Esport Esports is a rapidly evolving sector of sport management. Gone are the days of isolated “gamer” communities living in the shadows. There is no stigma, in fact, video games and gamers are a highly sought-after demographic! Today, esports is a fast-rising industry projected to top over $1 billion by the end of 2019, and nearly $2 billion by the end of 2022. Organizations based in the United States are seeking new methods to find and develop committed esport fans. One such organization is the Overwatch League. The league, founded in 2017, is based on the popular title published by Blizzard-Activision. The Overwatch League is a head-to-head competition between 20 teams located throughout the world. Thus far, the Overwatch League has cultivated a production and broadcast presentation that is similar to traditional sports such as the National Football League. This has included game broadcasts via traditional networks (e.g. ESPN), commentators, and pregame-postgame shows. However, the organization also streams programming on Twitch, the popular gaming website, incorporating similar elements delivered via the web. New Revenues and New Fans Because the Overwatch League does not own the actual game it is staging, that belongs to Blizzard-Activision, it needs to find new creative ways to generate money. Having just read a chapter on sport analytics (which is taking large datasets and finding actionable insights based on your statistical analysis) and sport broadcasting (which has undergone a digital revolution of its own), what suggestions can you make to grow revenues and generate new fans? Please answer the following questions: 1. How would you use analytics to develop new revenue streams for the Overwatch League? 2. What emerging trends or possible future trends in sport broadcasting could you suggest to the Overwatch League to capture more viewership and create more value for the league? Directions The assignment is due on Sunday by 11:59 PM, via Blackboard. There is no page length/word count. But, the more knowledge you display, the higher the score.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analytics and the Overwatch League
Money is always in circulation, day or night. What one needs to do as an individual or an entity, is to find the best way of harnessing it. The same applies to data. The most advanced or techsavvy companies have worked their way into increasing revenue by harnessing data and information. This is through their mastery of data analytics. It has heralded the so-called world of big data, where information is wealth. While this is the case, budding businesses can also take a leaf from them and do the same, to assess and see if they can as well get there. In the world of analytics, data is keenly manipulated so as to yield the best possible outcomes, future insights which subsequently means better decision making at present and even in the future. The Overwatch League can greatly benefit by embracing data analytics.
How would you use analytics to develop new revenue streams for the Overwatch League?
The Overwatch League has numerous sponsors such as T-mobile, Cocacola, and Xfinity. However, with eSports viewership expected to increase by about 600 million by the end of 2020, more corporate sponsors will come aboard. In the Overwatch League, gamers are arguably the ones sought after by sponsors. Through the use of data analytics the league can take a look at the viewership per each game or tournament. Other finer details can also be learnt from such analytics, for example the viewers’ behavior towards certain changes or adjustments in how the presentation is done. As a result, the Overwatch League should create games that are fun to watch but slightly complex to play and master. A combination of these features will increase the number...
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