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Human Resources Cases Management Essay Research Paper

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619: Harvard's President on Leading During a Time of Change

Drew Gilpin Faust, the president of Harvard University, talks about leading the institution through a decade of change, fromthe financial crisis to the Trump era. Faust discusses how communicating as a leader is different from communicating as anexpert, the surprising ways her study of U.S. Civil War history prepared her for the top job, and what it's like to be the firstfemale president in the University's four-century history.

568: Break Out of Your Managerial Bubble

Hal Gregersen, executive director of the MIT Leadership Center at Sloan School of Management, says too many CEOs andexecutives are in a bubble, one that shields them from the reality of what’s happening in the world and in their businesses.The higher you rise, the worse it gets. Gregersen discusses practical steps top managers can make to ask better questions,improve the flow of information, and more clearly see what matters. His article “Bursting the CEO Bubble” is in the March-April 2017 issue of Harvard Business Review.

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Human Resources Cases
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Human Resources Cases
619: Harvard's President on Leading during a Time of Change
Leaders of various institutions are rocked by several factors and changes in the environment of operations. Many events marred the case of Harvard University President; financial crisis, change in the country’s political administration, and change of guard to the first female president of the university. She mentions how communication differentiates the meanings of leadership and being an expert. These concepts merged, molds an individual’s leadership style, and contributes to different results during their tenure.
In this case, the major aspects are organizational change and the external environment's influence on leadership. First, the leadership changed from male to female in the University top brass. This has never been experienced before, and the incoming president had to contend with many expectations then. In such situations, leaders work under a lot of anxiety as the entire institution expects to reap the same results as before. The right approach to this is by applying the concepts gathered from past experiences. Faust studied how leaders succeeded during the American Civil war and indirectly transferred the same concepts to her practice. Changes in political administrations affect the learning environment and the outcome of students. Most changes relate to the regulations, rules, policies that influence institutional operations. Sailing through changes in political environments means the president neutralized these influences to thwart any pending changes to the university's smooth learning.
I believe leaders should keep to their institutions' objectives and work t...
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