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Individual essay onNLRA Management Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:


Write an essay of between 500 and 750 words comparing and contrasting their responses.

You must use appropriate APA guidelines when documenting those references.

When writing your submission you must relate your response to relevant concepts related to the lesson's readings. You are free to supplement the lesson's readings with sources from the web; however, you are not permitted to use Wikipedia as a source.

When saving your file use LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME as a naming scheme.

Upload your paper to the assignment submission box.

Essay Steps

Step 1: Read and consider the following set of facts

You work at a store in a local supermarket chain. One day a union organizer approaches you as you are leaving work inviting you to a meeting at a local church to discuss the possibility of joining the United Food and Commercial Workers’ Union (UFCW). The purpose of the meeting is to consider creating a local union that would represent employees for purposes of collective bargaining at the store. The employees in the store have been unhappy with the fact that there has been no wage increase for two years, and most employees have seen their hours reduced so the company could avoid paying for fringe benefits, including health insurance. They are recently unhappy over the fact that during the COVID-19 pandemic they were not always provided appropriate face coverings when interacting with customers.

Step 2: Write an essay answering the question below

Based on what you have learned in the readings of this lesson, in what way(s) will the provisions of the NLRA, as amended protect you if you attend the meeting?

Will you attend? Why or why not?


You will be graded to the degree you do so in a logical, coherent, substantive manner.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Individual Essay
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Individual Essay
Section 7 of the NLRA grants workers the right to engage in collaborative activities for the mutual gain or protection of others. Examples of protected joint activities include union organizing, an employee’s attempt to lobby support from another employee, and the discussion of unionization among employees. Additionally, joint activities protect an employee’s actions, even if no other employee joins them in the petition. Bennett-Alexander and Hartman (2018) aver that the reasoning is that such an activity’s protected status should not be whether another worker chooses to join the movement. Besides, section 8(a) forms the regulations that employers should not do. The restrictions prevent employers from using emissaries.
Additionally, employers should not undertake discriminatory practices likely to discourage the creation of unions. Employers should not use repressive rules preventing the formation of coalitions. The clause compels employers...
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