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Propose setting up the IT foundation for analytics and machine learning

Essay Instructions:

write up how you would propose setting up the IT foundation for analytics and machine learning where you work (or have worked).

Address choices of language and/or package, architecture, database management systems, use of cloud resources – and explain your reasoning for making those choices.

You could use the file I upload as resource.

Grading Rubric:

Thoroughness of the planned technology foundation [40%], quality of reasoning in the explanation of choices [40%], clarity of communications [20%]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Propose setting up the IT foundation for analytics and machine learning
Python and R are the most common used languages for analytics and machine learning capabilities, but Python is a general purpose language that is compatible with different modules and connects with the SQL databases (Dean, 2014). It is easy to learn Python including and the program helps in extraction, transformation and loading data, and even non-technical people can use the language. Machine-learning techniques and data analytics models that are used to predict future outcomes
The data lake architecture is appropriate and allows analytics storage and data governance, and is preferred as it is secure and caters to different people. Data Lake is forming a central repository where all the data from multiple sources is stored in its original format, which helps to connect the people, processes, and technology. The architecture allows different analytical techniques such as Hadoop, Presto, Spark, Hive, and Impala, where both data scientists and the business users can explore the data in the architecture (Thusoo & Sarma, 2017).
The preferred database management system is the Structured Query Language (SQL).
SQL is a database access language that exploits the flexibility and power of relational systems, which allows various operations. SQL handles different types of data, and depending on the nee...
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