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Cover letter to Retail Solutions Inc. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

TIP: This is just a english practice paper. So just follow the requirement that I post. And I am in the syracuse university.


Personal Narrative Storytelling



Grade value of assignment: 50 points


Format requirements: single-spaced, font 12, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, left aligned


Assignment description:


            Topic: Cover letter


Audience: Recruiters and your instructor


Purpose: To apply for a part-time job, or a scholarship  


Structure: Follow the business letter structure     


Vocabulary: Use action verbs to show skills, results or recognition.  



Objectives for developing writing skills:


This writing assignment is meant to develop the following skills: ability to 1) use action verbs, 2) match required skills with personal experiences, and 3) format cover letter.


Grading Criteria:





Format: The cover letter has correct structure of heading, paragraphs and ending.


Content: The cover letter highlights required skills and describes personal experiences.


Language: Use action verbs. The tone is humble and modest instead of exaggeration.


Errors in grammar and mechanics are minimal

Total: 50


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cover Letter
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title/Section
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Syracuse, NY, USA
Syracuse, NY 13210
April 9, 2010
Mr. Bert Clement
Retail Solutions Inc.
330 S. Galvin St. Bronx
New York, New York 10462
Dear Mr. Clement:
As an ambitious, dedicated, and high-achieving student who demonstrates strong interpersonal and communication skills, it gives me great joy to apply for the advertised position of Retail Sales Assistant. As a scholar in University, my extensive involvement in my school community has made it possible for me to develop interpersonal skills. I take pleasure in participating in various events including charity fundraisers, sports carnivals, and community clean-up programs. Participating in these programs has enabled me to work with my peers, which in turn has improved my teamwork and social skills.
Through these experiences, I have developed strong communication and time management skills, which I perceive as crucial when working in casual employment while pursuing an education. I believe I qualify for this position because I possess personal attributes that will add to your company. My school results, as well as volunteer participation, demonstrate that I am highly motivated.
Selling products at charity events has enabled me to develop and hone my customer service and sales skills. Volunteering at charity events has also been a rewarding experience which has helped me grow as a person. My participat...
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