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If I Get Recruitment Right, I Do Not Worry About Other HR Issues

Essay Instructions:

Each student will submit (via Turnitin) a major essay after the mid-semester break that demonstrates academic understanding of HR Management and Strategy and is worth 30% of the Course total.

In 2500 words (using Harvard in-text referencing and DOUBLE-spacing) choose one of the following:

From your review of the academic literature, initially explain how performance management systems and strategies relate to other HR functions and to the organisation as a whole. Secondly, identify what can go wrong with performance management and provide ideas how to reduce or remedy these problems. Your arguments must be substantiated by academic evidence;


“Learning, training and development are an expense that can be reduced in times of organisational challenges.” How true is this statement in relation to your understanding of the academic literature? Justify your position and explain what you would do with regards to learning, training and development during times of organisational challenges.


Consider the statement “If I get Recruitment right, I don’t have to worry much about other HR issues”. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position having regard to the textbook, the articles on Wattle and at least three of your own additional academic articles.

Importantly, this essay is an assignment where the student is expected to demonstrate skills in researching a significant HR management issue and showcase their capabilities in marshalling an academic argument that explores a topic well, consistent with the reasonable expectations for a second year student. Accordingly, and as this is the major theoretical assessment task, students must reveal their familiarity with the textbook, Wattle articles and their own research of relevant journals to create and sustain a compelling academic narrative that states the position they take in relation to the essay question and demonstrates clearly why and how that position is well reasoned. Please note that Wikipedia and other popular on-line sources are not peer-reviewed academic material and should NOT be relied upon as they often contain factual errors and simplistic or problematic interpretation of many concepts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

If I Get Recruitment Right, I Do Not Worry About Other HR Issues
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If I Get Recruitment Right, I Do Not Worry About Other HR Issues
Finding the right employees in workplaces is becoming a complex issue for many organizations. With the surging change in tastes and preferences among employees, many employers are looking beyond the skills. Some employers are forced to incur a lot of costs in training and development programs, even when they are still paying their employees for productivity. This has raised concern on productivity and the need to strike a balance between the business goals and the stiff competition in the market. For one to maintain and achieve a competitive advantage, there has been recent concern on whether getting the right employees is the best intervention for coping with stiff competition in the market as well as coping with various issues that affect employees. This paper explores the argument that companies that get the recruitment right should not worry about the HR issues. The paper argues that getting the right employees is the initial step for business success. This is based on the fact that proper recruitment and selection of the right and correct employees from thousands of employees may propel the company to the next level in the competitive market.
Importance of the Correct Recruitment and Selection
While it is important that the company takes into consideration the skills and talent when recruiting employees, scholars have argued that it is important for the firm to look beyond skills and talent. According to Blackman et al. (2012), it is important that companies hire interests and preferences of employees as well. For instance, it is easy to hire an experienced employee who cannot fit in the team or who is not interested in the company. As a result, it is important that the Human Resource department vets employees on their interests and preferences in addition to evaluating them on their job experience and performance. In today’s competitive market, talent and skill is not enough to meet the changing needs and preferences of consumers in the market. The business needs a person that will blend well with others, support the company’s mission, and act as a team player as the business meets its short and long-term goals.
Ginnakas, Fulton, and Awada (2017) argue that hiring leaders is the initial step for business success. The competition in the current market does not require people that will sit back and wait to be instructed. It requires employees that are self-motivated and those that will work maximum under minimum supervision. Consider a company that hires quality in terms of skills but gets it wrong on team players or interest in the job. Even if there is room to train employees and equip them with skills, the company will not succeed in equipping them with teamwork skills because this is a personal issue. This gets complex when the manager is not a team player. It is for this reason that there has been significant concern in the recent past when it comes to recruitment and selection. Whether it is in a managerial subordinate position, the HR department has to make sure that it employs someone that will blend the organizational culture.
Every organization has goals to meet in the short-term and long-term. These goals cannot be fulfilled in absence of competent employees whose interests resonate with the interests of the company. The advantage of getting employees as leaders is that they are interested in the company and would wish the company to grow to the next level (Nelsey, 2018). Hiring the right employees makes it possible for the company to navigate the challenges it faces and prepares it to go to the next level. Hiring employees that are prepared to propel the company to the next level is one of the best interventions to help the company succeed as well as gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Additionally, the hiring process should be a positive experience for employees who are interested in the company. The company should know the type of the employees it is investing in and what it anticipates to achieve from the employee.
The major issue affecting companies today is the issue of increasing expenses in training and development programs. Many companies are struggling to meet the surging demand in terms of employee development, especially because employees do not have sufficient skills to help the company in meeting its business goals. Companies with skilled and experienced employees are advantaged as they do not have to spend time and resources on training programs. The advantage of hiring skilled employees is that they are ready to meet the innovative goal of the business. Such employees also act as role models and can play a transforming role in the company. Such employees are readily available to meet the innovative goals of the business while at the same time influencing others in meeting the needs and interests of the company. This goal can be easily obtained through employment of leaders instead of managers who do not have long-term goals for the company.
One of the main issues affecting companies today is the problem of high turnover rates. Sometimes a company spends time and resources in training employees only for the employees to leave the company after a while. Recruitment processes are expensive in both time and resources. It takes time to replace employees when they lose their position in the company. The advantage of hiring employees that are interested in the company is that they will promote the welfare of the company as it progresses to the next level. A case in point is when the HR department focuses on understanding the interests and goals of the employee. During the recruitment process, the interviewers can ask interviewee about their long-term goals. Questions like “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” could help the interviewer to understand whether the employee has long-term goals for the business.
Arghode and Wang (2016) explain that getting the recruitment process right is the initial step in saving on costs and expenditures. Consider a company that employs leaders instead of managers. There is significant difference between managers and leaders. Managers command followers, but leaders influence followers. Leaders set goals and objectives and have a vision for the business, but managers have goals. Leaders can develop long-term strategies to overcome obstacles and will empower employees in terms of challenges. On the other hand, managers are interested in the results and not processes. The goal of managers is to maximize the short-term goals of the business. On the other hand, leaders are interested in developing followers. They nurture talents and empower employees to bring out the best in them. This is significantly important for the business because it reduces the costs of investing in training and development programs.
Scholars have established that proper recruitment processes have direct impact on job performance and job satisfaction. Putting the right people within their right positions increase job satisfaction among employees. According to Stephan (2017) explains that during recruitment, it is important that the HR department communicates what it is hiring to get the right people for interviewing. Lack of proper communication during the recruitment process is that it attracts a pool of inexperienced potential employees. This makes it impossible for the company to determine the right or qualified employees from a pool of inexperienced employees. An employer that has set proper communication during the advertisement will filter unqualified employees and remain with potential qualified candidates. The major limitation of failing to eliminate employees that do not fit in the company is that one may end up dealing with disgruntled employees a...
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