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Written Synthesis: Communicating Business Value

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Use the resource I provide and remember the main topic of the assignment how CIO communicating the business value.

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Communication Values
Institution Affiliation
Communication Values
Every organization has its Chief Information Officer (CIO). A CIO is a job title which is often given to the senior-most executive in an organization who works for the traditional information technology and computer systems that help in working towards the organization's set goals and mission ( Wunderlich & Beck, 2017).
A CIO communicates in a number of ways that are in line and promotes the business value of an organization. A CIO must first understand the business or the start-up culture before anything else. He or she must be able to realize that there should be no barriers of communication between development and operations in business and that communication is essential and collaboration between various vital players with the organization is very important for a successful business. A good CIO must change his or her way of thinking and do things differently as well as avoiding value traps. A successful CIO can show and take the road which illuminates the value of an organization. A CIO and his or her team should discuss the business in the same terms as other members of the executive groups. During their communication, a CIO should be to connect IT investments to specific improvements in business performance to enhance a competitive advantage for the business, and this will also cover the various ways IT can be applied to differentiate the company. The CIO should show he or she has value beyond IT and can be resourceful to the organization in other duties too.
In terms of ethics, a CIO must be aware at all time that he or she is responsible for an organization’s data lies in their hands (Horlacher, Hess, 2016). A CIO is responsible for how data flows within an organization, this means, as a CIO, one will be tasked ...
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