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Business Association In The United States Of America

Essay Instructions:


This project will give you the opportunity to develop an event concept and a checklist of tasks

required to plan your event. The end result of this project will be an online report submission

based upon the following scenario.

You are an event organizer for one of the following events (choose one):

The 20XX IAAPA Aracons Expo - hp://www(dot)iaapa(dot)org/expos/iaapa-aracons-expo/home

The 20XX PGA Show - hp://www(dot)pgashow(dot)com/

The 20XX Surf Expo - hps://www(dot)surfexpo(dot)com/

The NRA Show 20XX - hps://show.restaurant.org/Home

The Hospitality Design Expo 20XX - hps://www(dot)hdexpo(dot)com/

You will develop the event concept, including operational planning, marketing, and risk

management based on your selection. Your report must include the following:

Answers to the 5 Ws:

1. WHY are you having this event? (the purpose and goals, and why)

2. WHO is your market? (attendee demographics, psychographics, geographics, and why)

3. WHEN (year, month, days, and why)

4. WHERE (destination, venue, and why)

5. WHAT are you going to do? (the event itinerary and why)


1. Marketing strategy(ies) that will be used (channels, media, etc., and why)

2. Accommodations (how many hotel rooms needed, where they will be, etc.)

3. Event setups (what space, equipment, and setup will be needed, and why)

4. Food and beverage (catered meals, attendees on own, etc., and why)

5. Exhibitors/vendors and service providers (expo services, A/V providers, etc., and why)

6. Event technology (what new or existing tech will be used, and why)

7. Environmental and/or CSR issues that should be considered (and why)

8. Use of any destination management services (e.g. CVBs, DMCs, DMOs, etc., and why)

9. Budget (rough approximation) as well as any sponsorships (and why)

10. Risk management and legal issues that should be considered (and why)

It is important to note than when you visit the websites for these events, you will see that the

next events have already been scheduled, venues chosen, itineraries written, etc. I DO NOT want

you to simply regurgitate the event’s existing plan for the current year. If you do this you will

not receive credit. What I want is for you to develop YOUR OWN plan.

So, for example, once you choose an event, you will need to decide on, among other things,

venue. For this choice, you can go one of two ways:

1. Choose the venue that the real event planners have chosen for their upcoming event. IF

you do this, you will need to explain why it is a good venue (i.e. Why is it the best

choice? Why wouldn’t another venue in another city be a beer option?)

2. Choose a different venue than the real event planners have chosen for their upcoming

event. IF you do this, you will need to explain why your chosen venue is a beer choice

(i.e. What makes it superior to their choice? And to other options?)

You will do this for all five Ws (why, who, when, where, what) and for the content areas as

applicable. So you may use the actual event information as a reference to inform your own

decisions, but for each point in the paper you will need to explain whether you concur with the

real event planners or not, ANY WHY.

Note: Although you were not quizzed on Chapter 5 of your textbook in this course, it would be a

great place to start for this project as its focus is exhibitions.

Your term project should be no less than 2,000 words. A 2,000-word paper should include a

minimum of 5-10 references, which should be cited in proper APA format. Also, the length

requirement of 2,000 words means 2,000 words of substance. If you put a heading in your

submission, you shouldn’t count that. You also shouldn’t count your reference page. Do not

include the instructions (above) in your submission as those words will not count. Bluntly, I am

looking for 2,000 words of your own thoughts and analysis. While it is up to you to determine

how the 2,000 words should be allocated, here is my recommendation for a rough outline:

● There are 5 Ws. Write at least 200 words on each W (~1,000 words total)

● There are 10 content areas. Write at least 100 words on each content area (~1,000


2,000 words sounds like an awful lot, but if you are even a mediocre typist, 2,000 words can be

tackled in a matter of a few hours. The real me involved with this project lies in the research.

The five events from which you will choose are all very large and well-established events with

long histories, so there should be PLENTY of information available on the internet and

elsewhere. Take the me to do thorough research on your arguments before you write them

down. If you were to tackle one piece (Ws and content areas) of this project per night, you could

be finished in just over 2 weeks. When you choose to do it is, of course, up to you. You have all

semester and can start right away if you want. Naturally, I encourage you to NOT wait until the

last minute. Haste makes waste. Give it the me it deserves, so that you earn the grade that you

really want.

Your submission will be entered directly into the text field for the term project assignment in

Canvas. I strongly recommend that you write your paper in MS Word, Google Docs, or some

other word processor so that you can save your work as you go (Canvas won’t save your work

until you actually submit). You can also use the word counter tool that comes as part of most

word processors to make sure you meet the minimum length requirement. Then, once you are

finished, simply copy and paste your work from your word processor document into the text

editor box for the assignment, and submit. Note: The text editor box does not always properly

display images, tables, etc., so I would avoid those in your paper. To reiterate, you will NOT be

uploading a file to Canvas...you will be copying your paper into the text box and then submitting.

As far as format, I don’t care what font you use (no wingdings please), or whether you

double-space, or whether you include a title page (none of this will format properly in the text

editor box anyway). The only formatting particular that I do require (as noted above) is that your

references are in proper APA format. That means both the references themselves and your

in-text citations (every reference should be cited at least once in-text). Also, please be sure to

proofread your work, as credit will be deducted for grammatical errors.

IMPORTANT: Do not plagiarize. This assignment uses TurnItIn.com for originality verification. If

you copy/paste from other sources, I will know it, and you will receive a zero.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Term Paper
Institution Affiliation
The National restaurant association is business association in the United States of America representing more 380,000 other restaurants together with where they are located (National Restaurant Association president& CEO, 2010). The association is holding an event to educate business people on ways to expand their businesses. The event also aims at inspiring the attendees the knowledge of food and beverages as well as knowledge on equipment and supplies. The goal of the event is to show people the various techniques that have risen or are new in the food and beverages industry. The other purpose and reason why people should attend is for them to learn a new item from the event.
The show is going to give detail on how business people can see their businesses through a new window. Apart from reconnecting with friends and people they know, the entrepreneurs will have a chance to interact with titans or tycoons in the food and beverage industry, executives who are influential and exhibitors who are creative in the industry. There will also be talks on technology advancement and its relevance on the food sector. This talk will help food industries realize the latest resolutions that can help in modelling the future of the food industry. I concur with the planners of this event as they know the benefits of their actions on the national restaurant association and the people that will be attending.
The target market for the event involves people from all walks of the food industry. International educational speakers from across the globe, they include people from Canada, European Union, Australia, United States of America and other continents and countries. Chefs with culinary expertise. Some of the presenters of the National Restaurant Association include; Award winning Chef and author Rick Bayless, chef and co-owner of fat rice Abe Conlon, the owner of Mi Tocaya Antojeria Diana Davila and Anjula Devi who is a food writer and also a chef.
Among these other presenters include; Lula Café owner Jason Hammel, Television host, author and chef Gerry Garvin, master Butcher and author Kari Underly and lastly Andrew Zimmern who is a chef, an author, a teacher and a television host. All these presenters pay an important role in educating the people that will be attending the show the various ways of handling their food businesses. Exhibitors will also be present to show case their talents and show exhibitions on the various products available. The technology deck will be present to help business entrepreneurs find solutions of expanding and enhancing their cafes, groceries and other food related businesses in accordance with the growing connected world of technology.
The year in which the National Restaurant Association show is expected to happen is 2019 the year of greatness. The event will begin from May 18th to 21st of the same month. This means that the event will take place for four consecutive days. The reason for choosing these days is to not be simultaneous with other events. To prevent small groups from showing up in this event and present themselves at another. This was also relevant according to the availability of the suppliers of the event so as to not collude with their schedule of servicing other events. To choose the correct venue for the event before another organization books the place for their event. I concur with the planners of this event for choosing this time of the year to plan the show due to the above reasons.
The other issue is of where the event will be taking place where some things had to be put into consideration. Such issues include; risk management, amount or the number of people that will be attending the event so as to provide enough shade for all of them and also make the sound audible enough for all to hear. Risk management strategies have to be considered at this stage and every stage of event planning. According to the insurance Bureau of Canada (2013) risks associated with an event include; damaging the company’s reputation, risk of an employee guest or any person getting injured and the risk of financial challenge. Financial challenges arise when the company is unable to provide services for those attending their event.
The National Restaurant Association show or event is set to take place at the McCormick place in Chicago Illinois. Event planners for the National Restaurant Association show chose this center for the event. I agree with them because apart from being the largest convention center in Northern America, it has an indoor arena which is near Lake Michigan a good area for site seeing and also great breeze from the lake. The place is able to hold a population of over 43000 executives together with people that will be attending apart from those invited. There are also public transits and busways that lead people directly to the place hence transportation is available (Cowan, 2001).
The event itinerary of the national restaurant association is complex as there are over a hundred show taking place in the four days that have been scheduled for the event. The event will start on Saturday at 9.30 am at the north, south and lakeside center. Followed by culinary and mixology demonstration then testing by FABI then closure of the event at 5.00 pm. On Sunday the event will be opened just like Saturday and closure will be at 5.00pm but the day will end with young associates party. Monday the same routine will be followed with a difference of sessions on future of restaurants, insights from top 500 and finals of bar celebrations.
On the fourth day the same routine as that of Saturda...
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