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Effective Communication: Epic Manufactures

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Effective Communication Name Institution Executive Summary Effective communication has been credited for the success of many organizations globally. The below case study of Epic Manufactures and the management case on YouTube used to make the below report echoes the above statement as they both describe organizations that are failing because of a lack in effective communication. It is observed that lack of good communication leads to employees who do not know of the definite roles in the firm and the organization having unapproachable managers which leads to ineffectiveness as the subordinate cannot voice their ideas, opinions, or solutions. This report concludes that effective communication is a prerequisite for company success and recommends Epic Manufactures to use direct communication, spelling it out and assess communication level tactics to improve on communication. The existing business and organization environment is robust and more diverse than before and hence this report also recommend on organizations keeping up with the emerging trends and to avoid being left behind by other firms utilizing efficient methods that are discovered daily. Corporates and organizations are competing globally for the best talents to run and drive their daily functions. Organizations realize employees are essential investments and to success and gain a competitive advantage in the market, they have to not get the best talents but also have a workable formula of maintaining and sustaining the same. The above process then begins with the business leaders and the managers who oversee the rest. Hence, success culture has to start from the top and this effect will affect everyone as it flows both down from management and up from the subordinate. Although there are many aspects and factors to consider for the success of an organization in today's environment, communication is a vital factor and ignoring it could lead to severe implications to the firm. An organization ought to have effective communication. The communication process that is implemented well in an organization will help the business leaders and managers to carry out the basic functions of management that are controlling, motivating, organization, and planning. Communication makes possible for managers to not only implement vision but also carry out the organization's strategy. This paper aims to look at communication in an organization based on the results of the survey made from management and employees of Epic Manufacturing Pty Ltd. The survey carried out was meant to measure the type and level communication that is in the Epic Manufacturing Pty Ltd and the report below is to expound on the survey, analyses the results and give recommendations to the firm in regards to poor communication inhibited in the firm. Communication According to Whitener et al. (1998), there is a close link between management and communication. Communication is the process through which information is exchanged from one person to the other. In an organization, the management roles depend on effective communication. That is, managers need to receive and retrieve accurate information for them to make accurate plans, which are feasible. Everyone in the organization becomes informed when information is sent correctly and received accurately. The opposite is also true as when information is sent the wrong way there is a chance of misinterpretation and this can lead to major problems in the organization. To be in a position to lead others and to actually lead one needs to demonstrate effective communication skills. Lacking in these communication skills will make the manager incompetent as there is no ability to implement the organization's objectives and they will also struggle to make the worker follow them. Effective communication skills help in building strong relationship bonds among the employees and their leaders (Smith et al. 1994). Managers with good communication skills tend to be problem solvers and this is one of the necessary skill needed in today's workplaces, which are more diverse than they were a decade ago. On the other side employees who are good in communication tend to have more opportunities for advancing in the corporate ladder than those who have a problem in communication. Thus, effective communication is a prerequisite for employees and managers for any organization that intends to be successful in attaining their made goals. Epic Manufacturing Pty The survey collected does not portray an organization with good communication. It looks like there a division between the management and the employees, where the employees lack in knowing what is actually expected of them while the management tends to think they have already achieved the process but the survey show employees are lacking, as the management has not communicated the roles clearly. On the employees' section, it is clear that the employees in Epic Manufacturing organization do not have the exact knowledge of what is expected of them. This is caused by a lack of communication on the side of the management where they do not communicate the specific roles of the individual employees so that they know what is expected of them. A large number of employees do not know the intentions of the management. This is because there is a misconception of what the leaders want and the organization's goals. The above confusion is brought about by lack of effective communication and happens when the management does not clearly communicate to their subordinate of the intentions and how they intend to relate with them. When employees feel like they do not know the intentions of the management the may inhibit two perceptions that are the organization objectives may seem completely different from those of the management and hence causing confusion. A large number in Epic Manufacturing is not comfortable going to their superiors in case of any concern or issue. This means most of the managers are unapproachable. This is also an issue with communication where the communication process is restricted to one side or it only flows from one side and that is from the management where they only communicate while issuing directives and do not encourage an environment where feedback thrives. If the communication process does not encourage feedback then employees will be afraid to give suggestion or opinion to their superiors and this is an issue as without feedback the management might miss on vital details while making plans. On the positive side, the taken survey suggests that employees are satisfied with their performance and a large number is also with their work. It is a worrying trend when the management is not certain whether they seek the opinion of the employees when making decisions. The survey might be biased as a large number of the employees confirm that the managers are unapproachable while a large number...
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