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Watch The Following Documentary About London's Corinthia Hotel

Essay Instructions:

专业Major:Hospitality & Tourism Marketing

- Watch the following documentary about London's Corinthia Hotel: https://www(dot)dailymotion(dot)com/video/x6y2uoh

- Summarize the video by answering the following questions:

Who are the hotel employees of the Corinthia Hotel?

What do they say about their jobs and work environment?

What do they do to surpass customers’ expectations?

What did you find the most interesting/fascinating about the documentary?

What were the most important aspects that you learned from this documentary?

- The goal is for you to come up with a detail-oriented and well-structured summary that clearly describes the hotel operations that you observed in the video. You will handle me a hard copy of your assignment

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Corinthia Hotel London
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Who are the hotel employees of the Corinthia Hotel?
The Corinthia hotel is one of the best and most impressive five-star hotels in London. It is widely known for its spacious dining area, a peerless spa, and location close to the River Thames and Trafalgar Square. This luxury hotel was originally built as the Metropole Hotel. After World War II, the Corinthia Hotel London was bought by the Ministry of Defense and used as a government building until it was declared surplus to the requirement and sold by Crown Estates in 2007.
As is evident in this video, the general manager of the Corinthia Hotel London is Thomas Cooks. He is responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the hotel and supervising the staff. He wanders here and there in the hotel the whole day while performing his duties. Another prominent employee of the hotel is Teem, who is responsible for managing the reception area and answering the questions of new and existing guests. He has been a part of the team for nearly six years now. Hairdresser Daniel Galvin runs a hair salon at this hotel. The entire remains busy with serving customers in the best possible ways.
What do they say about their jobs and work environment?
Every person seems to be happy with their job. For example, Teem thinks that an employee cannot achieve success if he or she is not a problem-solver. Similarly, Thomas Cooks thinks that the hotel may not be able to do well if guests are not provided with the most amaz...
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