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Explain The Key Characteristics Of Organizational Culture

Essay Instructions:

You did an excellent job on my assignment V, I would like you to do this assignment as well.

Using your textbook Greenberg, J. (2011). Behavior in organizations (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall answer the following questions

1. Explain the key characteristics of organizational culture. (75-word minimum)

2. Define situational leadership, and explain why it is different from other leadership theories. (75-word minimum)

3. Explain the process of innovation, identify each stage in the process, and describe the function of each stage. (75-word minimum)

4. Explain what is meant by a “strong culture,” and identify the characteristics of organizations with strong cultures. (75-word minimum)

5. Define organizational culture, and explain how it changes. (75-word minimum)

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Week VII Assignment
Q1. Explain the key characteristics of organizational culture
Organizational culture refers to the underlying beliefs, values, and ways of interacting which aid in contributing to a unique social and psychological environment of an organization. Some of the characteristics manifested by successful company cultures may include innovation; this makes the company flexible and adaptable, and it also encourages the employees to take risks in their job performance (Greenberg, 2011). Attention to detail; this is key because it dictates the degree to which the workers are expected to be accurate in their daily operations; this provided the business with a competitive advantage. The third feature is outcome oriented; here organizations focus on the results and not the process followed to achieve the results. For example, in the sales department, employees may be trained to do whatever it takes to attain daily sales objectives. Also, aggressiveness is also an essential culture; here the members are expected to be assertive and competitive rather than easygoing. Another feature is teamwork which requires the firm managers to organize work activities around teams instead of individuals.
Q.2 Define situational leadership and explain why it is different from other leadership theories
Situational leadership is an adaptive leadership style. It stipulates that there is not an ideal leadership approach and therefore, a manager or an organizational leader should adjust his or her style to fit the situation they are trying to influence (Greenberg, 2011). This leadership method is different from other theories because it is up to the leader to change his style and not the followers to adapt to his or her leadership techniques. It is also keynoting that the effectiveness of the leader is determined by his or her ability to modify management behavior to match those of the subordinates.
Q3. Explain the process of innovation, identify each stage in the process, and describe the function of...
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