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Amazon: Innovation Via the Two-Pizza Team

Essay Instructions:

Using your textbook and the week Chapter review, please Read the Case Study, “Amazon.com: Innovation via the ‘Two-Pizza Team,’” on pages 514-515 of your textbook, and answer the Questions for Discussion at the end.

Also, analyze the Case Study, and develop the conclusions, recommendations, and implications in a one to two pages APA formatted paper. Use this opportunity to apply concepts from the textbook and the PDF reading attached. Submit both parts of the assignment in one document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Amazon.Com: Innovation Via the Two-Pizza Team Students Name Institutional Affiliation Question 1 Given the advanced of growth of Amazon in terms of sellers and buyers, I think it is becoming difficult to for innovation to occur. The management has to deal with a huge number of employees and therefore, this would lead to delays in their ability to implement new innovations. Decisions have to be made ensuring that it does not for some of the employees and discriminate others. hence, the large number is not easy to manage. Question 2 Jeff has played the role of an innovative leader hence influencing the rest of the employees towards the implementation of the innovative culture at Amazon. Employees have the tendency of following the ways of a good leader. Therefore, Jeff, being a good leader, has influenced the employees into following and maintaining the culture of innovation at Amazon.com. Question 3 I would prefer working in a stable environment because, innovation has its advantages and disadvantages. To the negative side is that the innovation might turn out not to well suit for the market hence leading to the company making huge losses. However, in a stable environment, there are is a promise of making profits and does not risk the failure of the company. conclusion The case discusses the leadership being used by Amazon and the manner in which they use innovation as a success factor. The company stands at number two in the top five most innovative companies. Th...
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