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Organizational Development Theory. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

You will choose “a case” (possibly your current or previous work) to analyze it through the lens of appropriate OD theory。

Write about your workplace, you acting as the OD consultant for an organizational change there. Some ideas: Abuse of overtime at work, lack of motivation in a workgroup, absenteeism/presenteeism, team building, succession planning, production not meeting goals, competition, etc. I prefer the issue to be as real as possible from your actual work experience. It is important to imagine yourself either as an internal or external OD practitioner/consultant, even though you do not need to actually interview anyone for the project. You are welcome to use creative ideas and write imaginary responses in your diagnostic stage, e.g. manager A says that absenteeism is due to X, and manager B says it is due to Y, and manager C says it is due to Z, etc. It is important to consider multiple “imaginary” people to gather your diagnostic work.


You will choose “a case” (possibly your current or previous work) to analyze it through the lens of appropriate OD theory。

Write about your workplace, you acting as the OD consultant for an organizational change there. Some ideas: Abuse of overtime at work, lack of motivation in a work group, absenteeism/presenteeism, team building, succession planning, production not meeting goals, competition, etc. I prefer the issue to be as real as possible from your actual work experience. It is important to imagine yourself either as an internal or external OD practitioner/consultant, even though you do not need to actually interview anyone for the project. You are welcome to use creative ideas and write imaginary responses in your diagnostic stage, e.g. manager A says that absenteeism is due to X, and manager B says it is due to Y, and manager C says it is due to Z, etc. It is important to consider multiple “imaginary” people to gather your diagnostic work from.

I would like you to consider issues discussed in class, such as:

- Entering and contracting (as either internal or external practitioner).

- How do you go about collecting data? E.g. interviews, surveys, observation, etc.

- Diagnosing the problem/case framed by Open Systems Model, taking into account if your diagnostic model functions on Organizational-Level, or Group Level, or Individual Level (use an OD theory!).

- How will you analyze data? E.g. quantitative or qualitative data.

- How will you share your feedback with the work group affected by


You will choose “a case” (possibly your current or previous work) to analyze it through the lens of appropriate OD theory。

Write about your workplace, you acting as the OD consultant for an organizational change there. Some ideas: Abuse of overtime at work, lack of motivation in a work group, absenteeism/presenteeism, team building, succession planning, production not meeting goals, competition, etc. I prefer the issue to be as real as possible from your actual work experience. It is important to imagine yourself either as an internal or external OD practitioner/consultant, even though you do not need to actually interview anyone for the project. You are welcome to use creative ideas and write imaginary responses in your diagnostic stage, e.g. manager A says that absenteeism is due to X, and manager B says it is due to Y, and manager C says it is due to Z, etc. It is important to consider multiple “imaginary” people to gather your diagnostic work from.

I would like you to consider issues discussed in class, such as:

- Entering and contracting (as either internal or external practitioner).

- How do you go about collecting data? E.g. interviews, surveys, observation, etc.

- Diagnosing the problem/case framed by Open Systems Model, taking into account if your diagnostic model functions on Organizational-Level, or Group Level, or Individual Level (use an OD theory!).

- How will you analyze data? E.g. quantitative or qualitative data.

- How will you share your feedback with the work group affected by


Essay Sample Content Preview:

I have been contracted to work as an internal OD consultant with our company. My current primary objective would be to find the underlying reasons why the company has been barely retaining its new employees. Our company is an IT firm which offers IT solutions to various companies as per need basis. It is subcontracted by various tech firms to work on diverse projects, especially in software development and networking. In the last few months, there have been several employees who have left the company, citing among other varied reasons, to pursue further education and career development opportunities. In the last six months, ten new employees have been hired, but six of them have quit.
Collecting Data
I would collect data primarily through two methods; interviews and questionnaires. Open ended questionnaires would be sent to each of the employees who quit requesting them to give a detailed response on the issues that led them to resign. Questionnaires is the preferred method of collecting data with these former employees because it is not easy or convenient to fix a meeting with them.
I would also conduct interviews with the managers in the department where these employees worked in. the primary objective of conducting the interview is that it will be cheap and I can get comprehensive information on the reasons why these employees resigned. It will also be easy to fix appointments with these managers because we are all housed in the same building. The interview questions would be open ended to give my respondents room to give comprehensive answers to my questions.
One of the managers claims that the training process after hiring is very tedious, complicated and inefficient. He claims that the new employees are not guided on how to navigate their problems as soon as they enter the organization and very little help is accorded to them for settling. He cited that one of the employees was unable to effectively do his job because he had trained in a different programming language and no one helped him learn and adapt his system to reflect the demands by our client to develop the system using Python programming language rather than PHP.
The HR manager thinks that the remuneration standards of the company are below industry standards especially for new hires. She points out that if there is enough ‘motivation’ especially monetarily, the workers would still stick around. She claims that two of the employees came to her office to notify the company of their termination of employment contract and cited a better compensation package offered by our competitor as the reason for their exit. She claims that if the company would review its compensation packages, it will have higher employee retention rates, else, the problem will balloon. She also thinks that either all of them or most of the new employees who quit left because of issues directly or indirectly related to our compensation standards.
Another manager claims that the new employees who are hired straight from school are not used...
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