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IRAC Age Discrimination. Court Case on Employee Discrimination Based on Age: Russ B v Melvin Watt

Essay Instructions:

Reference court case to use: https://www(dot)eeoc(dot)gov/decisions/0120151593.pdf


State the legal issue of the case.


State the rule that the court applies to the legal issue.


Discuss in detail how the court approached the case and how it came to its ruling. This should include a summary of the facts of the underlying dispute, an explanation of how case came to the court or regulatory agency, and a summary of any case law that the court included in the opinion.


State a brief conclusion of the case. Discuss your opinion on whether the court came to the correct conclusion. Discuss how this case should be utilized in employment planning and policies to minimize employer liability.


IRAC Analysis Rubric

IRAC Analysis Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Issue

Correctly state the legal issue of the case.

4.0 pts

Correctly identified Issue.

0.0 pts

No issue stated.

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Rule

Correctly state the rule that the court applies to the legal issue.

4.0 pts

Correctly identified Rule.

0.0 pts

No rule identified.

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analysis

The response discusses, in detail, how the court approached the case and how it came to its ruling. A summary of the facts of the underlying dispute, an explanation of how case came to the court or regulatory agency, and a summary of any case law that the court included in the opinion in included.

12.0 pts

Correctly Identifies Facts, Well-Reasoned, Discussion Relating Facts to Rule.

8.0 pts

Correctly Identifies Facts, Not Well Reasoned.

4.0 pts

Facts Not Correctly Identified, Analysis Incoherent.

0.0 pts

No analysis.

12.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conclusion

Includes a brief statement regarding the conclusion of the case.

4.0 pts

Complete Summation, Restates Issue and Rule.

3.0 pts

Mostly Complete and Correct, Does NOT restate Issue and Rule.

2.0 pts

Incomplete and Incorrect Summation.

0.0 pts

No conclusion.

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reaction

A discussion of the student's opinion on the outcome of the case and how this case may be utilized in employment planning and policies to minimize employer liability is provided.

12.0 pts

Discuss whether you think the court came to the right conclusion, included any facts you would think relevant.

8.0 pts

4.0 pts

0.0 pts

12.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing

The analysis is well-written, carefully edited, and formatted for a professional audience.

4.0 pts

Professional Language, No grammatical, Punctuation or Spelling Errors, Length Requirement Met, Titled IRAC sections.

3.0 pts

Some mistakes, Does not detract from Understanding, Did not title IRAC sections.

2.0 pts

Many Mistakes, Detracts From Understanding.

0.0 pts

Lack of writing requirement met.

4.0 pts

Total Points: 40.0

Reference court case to use: https://www(dot)eeoc(dot)gov/decisions/0120151593.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Court Case on Employee Discrimination Based on Age: Russ B v Melvin Watt
Institutional Affiliation
The legal issue in question in the case of Russ B v Melvin Watt is the alleged discrimination of the complainant by age. Mr. Russ sued his federal employer (Federal Housing Finance Agency) in court because he felt discriminated against in the workplace. He argues that his younger colleagues received Performance-Based Benefits for the financial years 2012 and 2013 while he was left out despite him making equal contributions to the Agency. In making its ruling, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission found out that the defendant did not exhibit any intentions or actions of discrimination against the complainant.
The Commission weighed the evidence against the provisions of The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (29 USC §6101) in making its decision. This rule – the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 – was drawn to protect workers aged 40 years and above from discrimination in the workplace. The rule is categorical on the cases that amount to discrimination by age in matters of hiring, composition, dismissal, or promotion (Department of Labor, n.d). Thus, none of the items under this rule were violated by the Agency.
The Commission first sought to identify if indeed the complainant’s denial of Performance-Based Benefits was pre-textual. Therefore, it principally based its judgment on the report by the Agency that was served to the complainant in due time before the hearing. In the Agency’s report, the complainant did not establish a prima facie case to prove that there was discrimination in the workplace. Fur...
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