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The Impacts of Profit-seeking in Environmental Performance

Essay Instructions:

Team Presentation Guidelines

Format: PowerPoint or Prezi, or any other presentation medium you like

Length: Your team will have 15 minutes maximum to present your article. You can have onepresenter or share the presentation stage.

Topics to be covered: At a minimum, you will need to present an analysis of the article onthese areas:

Problem of Practice: What was the problem that was identified and why would studyingit matter? What are the variables selected for study? Who would be interested if thisproblem were solved?

Summary of prior research in area: What were the major works that addressed thisproblem in the past? Which aspect of the research is new, or will forward the existingbody of knowledge on this topic? What are the major theories on which the research isbased? What do you think about this?

Research design elements: Present the model and describe the research approachused. What variables were studied (identify IVs, mediators, moderators (if appropriate),DV) and how were they operationalized? What were the main hypotheses? Describethe sample and how the researcher collected their data. Do you think thevariables/sample/hypotheses were adequate?

Results/Conclusions: Summarize the findings from the research projectx Limitation: What did the researcher identify as the main limitations of the study? Doesthat make sense?

Relevancy: Present why you think the findings are relevant and how they can be appliedby practitioners to solve problems or address the “gap”.

Other: You are welcome to add anything else to your presentation that you think will makeit more interesting to the class…but make sure you cover the required areas and that youdon’t exceed 15 minutes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quantitative Methods and Metrics for Decision Making
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Quantitative Methods and Metrics for Decision Making
The study concluded that profit-seeking has a positive impact on environmental performance. Profit-seeking involves various activities that are made to exploit any opportunities presented to the firm. Environmental performance is improved when organizations implement safety protocols and practices that raise revenues or cut costs. The study indicates that profit-seeking issues enhance firms' environmental performance due to the strategies implemented to maximize profits.
The elevated concerns about employee safety are positively related to environmental performance. Every organization ought to ensure that its employees work in a safe environment. This improves the employee retention rate, thus saving firms the cost of new recruitments. As firms attempt to improve employee safety, they improve their environmental performance (Klossner, Lyytinen & Gaskin, 2013). Therefore, if employees complain about unsafe working conditions, the organization has to implement measures to improve the working conditions.
An organization’s ability to transfer knowledge across boundaries improves environmental performance. Organizations that source or exploits new information to improve environmental performance and safety tend to perform better than those that do not exploit such information. This information is considered as an opportunity to enhance organizational performance and ought to be exploited. Firms source for profitable opportunities and applies practices to exploit such opportunities. The practices used in exploiting the opportunities results in improved environmental performance. 
Risk aversion and external coercive pressure are inversely related to environmental performance (Klossner, Lyytinen & Gaskin, 2013). Organizations are expected to comply with external pressures regarding environmental safety due...
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