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Management-Employee Motivation

Essay Instructions:

The topics presented should be very specific and should reflect research done outside of class (as opposed to reporting on the exact same things outlined in class, although you can use your text for guidance and one of your sources). Specific grading details (rubric) are provided below:

1) Grade

50 points total possible

25 points for the content of the presentation material

25 points for the delivery of the presentation

NOTE: Each presentation should include a brief outline (1 page) for the instructor.

2) Content

5 points for justifying the topic being particularly important and useful in management/O.B.

12 points for making three key points regarding your topic. Each key point should be:

1) representative of the most important/relevant/crucial information in topic

2) accurate

3) clearly and fully explained

4) illustrated with at least one example

8 points for three references, which must be mentioned generally during the presentation and cited fully at the end of

the presentation with APA style referencing.

1) at least one reference must be a magazine or journal article (please provide me with a copy of one article you use).

3) Delivery

10 points for organizing the material such that the audience can easily follow the flow of information. This includes an

introduction, body, conclusion, etc.

10 points for effectively communicating the information that is presented:

1) speaks loudly and clearly with strong body language and minimal pauses

2) glances, not reads off slides or notes (not off computer monitor)

3) encourages audience participation and answers questions confidently

4) maintains consistently good eye contact with audience

5) effectively uses technology (power pt., prezi, google etc.) with good transitions and no grammatical errors

5 points for enthusiastically and concisely (12-15 minutes) presenting the


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Management-Employee Motivation
Student's Name
Institution Affiliation
Employee Motivation
Employee motivation can describe as a commitment or the amount of energy an employee presents in an enterprise. Imperatively, employee motivation is one of the critical entities in an organization because it determines productivity and creativity (Pincus, 2020). It plays an integral role in a company; it defines the extent of success in that particular company. There are different ways to motivate employees, such as providing medical covers, paid vacation, and a friendly working environment that enables them to speak and interact freely. Facebook, Twitter, and Apple are known to have competitive incentives to motivate their employees.
The Significance of Employee Motivation
It would be absurd to imagine success in a company that does to motivate its workers. Employee motivation is very vital in every organization since it ensures resources are not wasted. How are resources wasted in a company? Imagine a scenario where workers do their activities in the low phase; in this case, they are bored and do not feel appreciated. The impact on the company is quite devastating because of low productivity. Technically, low production reflects reduced profits; thus, a company will not meet the needs of business operations. Low production and alienated workers mean the company can have healthy competition, which poses the threat of closure. If workers do not have the enthusiasm to work, they cannot meet their objectives or targets (Alwi, 2018).
Additionally, boosting employees' morale has extensive benefits; it elevates the levels of innovation. Innovation creates a competitive edge for every company. Thus, if managers support and motivate employees, they open the innovation doors since the company attracts different talents.
Techniques to Motivate Employees
* Autonomy
Autonomy is the process through which managers or company executives give employees the independence to plan their work. It is important to understand employees are happier and more motivated when they can work within their speed and space. In this case, its manager must ensure workers have the freedom to handle their schedules without micromanagement. Some workers fear that they would be productive if they are given the space to work without close supervision. Twitter is a perfect example of companies that give freedom to their workers (Fernández & Pitts, 2011). It is reported they work within their speed, and the level of productivity within the company is anonymous. Over the years, the company has maximized profits because they encourage autonomy.
* Increased payment
Most managers do not understand the importance of payment concerning the employees. Most companies focus on expansion and maximizing profits returns, and they end up stretching employees without bonus incentives. This scenario's results are apparent; workers get bored and surge creativity because they are not appreciated. Workers need to receive a good paycheck to encourage them to do more work; remember, money is a motivation by itself. It would be fatal to an organization to always focus on business operations without considering workers (Karaskakovska, 2012). The primary reason Facebook turned from losses to mega-profits in the last ten years is its act of motivating employees with reasonable payments. Most Facebook organization employees are usually paid a good amount of money, which helps them be motivated. The energy is seen in expansion and production. Additionally, Burger King and MacDonald's are international companies, yet they pay their employees the lea...
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