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Better Control of Development Projects at Johnson Controls

Essay Instructions:

The Automotive Systems Group of Johnson Controls was having trouble controlling their product development programs with each pro1ect being managed diffi disagreements about who was responsible for what, projects failing because of rapid company growth,and new employees having trouble fitting into the culture fi solution, they went to their most experienced and successful PMs and condensed their knowledge into four detailed procedures for managing projeds. Because th procedures are now common to all projects,they can be used to train new employees, standardize practices,create a common language, tie together different company functions, create common experiences, act as implicit JOb descriptions,and create a positive overall pro1ect management culture.

The first procedure 1s project approval for authorizing the expenditure of funds and use of resources. The sales department must first provide a set of product/market information, including financial data, project scope, critical dates, and engineering resource requirements before management will approve the project. Thus, projects are now scrutinized much more closely before work is started and money spent-when more questions are asked and more people are involved, better decisions tend to be made

The second procedure is the statement-of work, identifying agreements, and assumptions for the project. Here, both the customer and top management must sign off before product design work begins, thereby reducing misunderstandings regarding not only product specifications , prices, and milestones but also intangible produd requirements explicit exclusions, and generic performance targets Maintaining this documentation over the life of the project has helped avoid problems caused by late product changes from the customer, particularly for 3- to 5-year projects where the personnel rotate off the pro1ect Customers have, however, been slow to agree to this level of documentation because it limits their ability to change timing prices. and specifications late 1n the program when they are more knowledgeable about their needs

The third procedure 1s the work breakdown structure consisting of 111ne critical life-cycle phases running from defin1t 1on through production Included 1n each of these nine phases are four key elements the tasks.the t1m1ng of each task the responsible individuals and the meeting dates for simultaneous engineering (a formalized procedure at Johnson Controls)

The fourth procedure 1s a set of management reviews crucial to successful project completion Both the content and t1m1ng of these reviews are specified in advance and progression to the next phase of a project cannot occur untilsenior management has approved the prespec1fied requirements, objectives and quality cntena for that phase The procedure also specifies questions that must be answered and work that must be reviewed by senior managemen

Through the use of these procedures which are updated and improved witl1 each new project experience. the learning that occurs in the organization 1s captured and made useful for future proiects.


1 Summarize the unique way Johnson achieved control over their projects.

2 How did '·scope creep" enter the projects in the past? Which procedure is now directed at controlling this effect?

3 Which of the four procedures is probably most critical to successful projects?

4 What is the term used in the chapter for the senior management review described in the fourth procedure?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Analysis: Better Control of Development Projects at Johnson Controls
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Case Analysis: Better Control of Development Projects at Johnson Controls
Scope creep one of the most common problems with projects that affect cost and time management. This report analyzes the control system concerning the scope creep of development projects at Johnson Controls and some future recommendations.
Control Process
Johnson Controls was using the process of standardization for better project controls. They had designed the procedures for authorization of expenditures, statement of work documentation, work break-down structure, and management reviews (Meredith et al., 2017). Although these procedures were set to standardize the work, they limited modification or improvisation during the projects.
Scope Creep Impact
The projects of Johnson Controls are mainly related to specific software development. Scope creep a significant risk factor in software development (Komal et al., 2019). As the procedures are sophisticated, they need special consideration. Previously, its scope creep was affected by its rapid expansion and the inclusion of new employees that created cultural integration challenges. New employees take some time to fit into the culture, affecting the internal communication procedure and, in turn, time and quality issues with the projects. Rapid expansion can create new product development complications with limited resources and conflict of issues among different employees. These problems can be avoided by thorough planning and setting boundaries of working for different departments.
Control Features for Scope Creep Minimization
The scope creep in projects comes when all stakeholders are not on the same page, or there is ambiguity or misunderstanding regarding the project's specific requirements. Improper communication is one of the significant causes of scope creep (Ajmal et al., 2019). To reduce that company should involve the end-users and customers throughout the product development and incorporate their requirements if they are not affecting the costs and timings of the projects signi...
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