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Essay Instructions:
Assignment Checklist: Utilize the Unit 6 template. Describe with supporting details three specific ways an organization could build more effective teams. Identify and give an example of four traits demonstrated by effective team leaders per Exhibit 12.4 of your textbook. Describe with supporting detail three ways an organization might ensure team leads are exhibiting the traits of an effective team leader. The paper is required to include an introduction, conclusion and be at least two double-spaced pages in length, using 11-point Georgia font. For assistance writing a paper or formatting a reference list in APA format, please see the Academic Writer link under Academic Tools. Reference the course textbook and a minimum of one article from the Purdue University Global Library.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Unit 6 Assignment: Effective Teams Author’s Name: Institution of Affiliation: Course Name: Instructor’s Name: Date: Unit 6 Assignment: Effective Teams Introduction Even though different organizations have been established over the years, most have failed to succeed. One of the main reasons for this trend is the quality of their teams and leadership since they play a critical role in determining the quality and quantity of the products produced. It is vital to check ways of building effective teams and leadership traits and evaluate the team lead's performance in boosting the organization's success. Building effective teams Organizations usually look forward to building effective teams since it will improve their success. One way of improving teams' effectiveness is by ensuring that the teams' productive output has attained the quantity and quality standard (Bateman & Konopaske, 2022). For instance, if the team produces an output of lower quality, the organization can help improve the quality by boosting technical or functional skills, which are critical in the production process. The organization can also increase teams' effectiveness by improving the members' satisfaction since some perform poorly due to a lack of satisfaction, which affects their motivation. The organization can improve their satisfaction by rewarding their contributions and acknowledging them. The organization can also boost the teams' effectiveness by ensuring members commit to working together. Since teams with outstanding collaboration usually have exceptional results, the organization should be committed to attaining them. For exampl...
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