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Essay Instructions:
Assignment: This is what happens when we conflict with someone. Each of us is trying to ‘push’ our message home. It makes for great discussions and learning. Look at the two union conflicts between General Motors and the UAW, choose either the union side or the Company side of the issues, and defend your argument. Be sure to include the issues being argued in both of your examples and make sure to give a detailed accounting of your thoughts, process, and why you chose the side that you chose. This paper should be 750-1000 words, double-spaced in the APA style. The paper should have a title page and a work cited page. Please note that the title and work cited pages do not count towards the total word count.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
General Motors (G.M.) and United Auto Workers (UAW) conflict Student Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code Instructor Date When there is a conflict between two parties, there is always an interesting scenario as both parties try to pull the issue towards their side so as to win. This results in an ideological standstill that often calls for a compromise between the two sides, without having to really consider who has ‘won’ the standoff. Such scenarios often provide an important example of how conflicts or disputes are handled and solved amicably. They are also important lessons in the fac that conflict resolution is a matter of establishing a middle ground rather than counting the points for and against. A case in point is the relationship between General Motors and United Auto Workers. The relationship between General Motors (G.M.) and the United Auto Workers (UAW) union has been marked by numerous conflicts as both parties have fought to protect their interests. There have been two major conflicts, the 2019 strike over profit sharing and job security and the 2007 conflict regarding job cuts and plant closures. The essay defends the union's position. Despite G.M.'s concerns about profitability and competitiveness, the UAW's demands were justified in safeguarding workers' rights, preserving employment opportunities, and ensuring fair compensation and benefits for its members. The 2019 strike against G.M. by the UAW, which involved more than 50000 full-time and part-time workers, centered on issues like profit sharing and job security. The union demanded fair profit sharing and eradication of temporary working terms to give way for permanent jobs (Isidore, 2019). G.M., on the other hand, argued their employee's hourly earnings per year is $90000. Though, the number of G.M. hourly employees had declined sharply due to outsourcing, automation, and loss of mark...
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