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Essay Instructions:
Module 4 - SLP THE INCLUSIVE WORKPLACE Workplace Inclusivity: Use the APA 7th Assignment Template For this assignment, you will explore one workplace equity or inclusion issue for a non-dominant group. Dominant identities “historically had and currently have more resources and influence” compared to non-dominant identities. Select one non-dominant identity group for the project such as gender, race, physical and mental abilities, religion, or sexual orientation. Session Long Project Resources 1) The Elusive Inclusive Workplace (2021) https://www(dot)mckinsey(dot)com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/the-elusive-inclusive-workplace 2) Understanding Organizational Barriers to a More Inclusive Workplace (2021) https://www(dot)mckinsey(dot)com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/understanding-organizational-barriers-to-a-more-inclusive-workplace 3) What It Means to Create a Trans-inclusive Workplace (2021) https://www(dot)marketplace(dot)org/2021/03/08/what-it-means-to-create-a-trans-inclusive-workplace/ 4) Most U.S. Managers Not Fully Prepared to Talk About Race (2021) https://news(dot)gallup(dot)com/poll/329282/managers-not-fully-prepared-talk-race.aspx 5) A Call to Action for America’s CEOs: Show Your Commitment to Inclusion of People with Disabilities (2020) https://fortune(dot)com/2020/07/26/ada-30th-anniversary-inclusion-workplace/ 6) The No. 1 Strategy for True Inclusion in the Workplace (2019) https://www(dot)gallup(dot)com/workplace/247106/no-strategy-true-inclusion-workplace.aspx For this SLP Assignment, complete the following: Define your chosen group in the organization you currently or had previously been employed in. Using the module’s reading and other resources, examine an equity or inclusion issue that your target group faces in the workplace. Provide an overview of best practices or recommendations for how organizations can address inequities or inclusion for the group. SLP Assignment Expectations The minimum length requirement for this Module SLP Assignment is 2 full pages (Excluding Title and Reference pages) to include 2 scholarly sources. Provide an APA-formatted title page and use the APA 7th Assignment Template The 2 full pages will include an introduction, body of work with 2 scholarly sources cited to support your work, and a conclusion (that aligns with your purpose statement, summarizes each section, and then wraps up into a final thought). Provide an APA7 formatted References Page (See APA 7 “References” section at https://apastyle(dot)apa(dot)org/style-grammar-guidelines/ ). Upload your paper to the SLP Dropbox before the assignment due date. Proofread your work. Grading Note: At Trident University International, rubrics are used for grading. These rubrics specify the points available for each component of an assignment. Points are earned based on the level of the work submitted. The rubric in the Case Dropbox is used for this Case Assignment. Develop and reference your sources of information with References Page, In-text Citations, and APA Title Page formatting from the following Guides and Links: Trident's Introduction to APA - https://careered(dot)libguides(dot)com/tui/library/apa Understanding Plagiarism- https://careered(dot)libguides(dot)com/tui/library/plagiarism Student Support Resources - https://careered(dot)libguides(dot)com/tui/STUDENTS
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Module 4 - Slp the Inclusive Workplace Name: Trident University International Course Name Professor's Name: Date: Module 4 - Slp the Inclusive Workplace Introduction Workplaces, whether private or public, attract various individuals of various levels of education, different ethnicities, races, genders, and religions, among others. Every organization or institution strives to have a picture of the nation in their workplaces. In short, organizations seek to attain the goal of diversity, equity, and inclusivity (Alexandra et al., 2018). The three are workplace values, which are crucial in creating supportive workplaces that are sensitive to various groups of individuals segmented according to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and ability (Alexandra et al., 2018). Attaining inclusivity and equity in the workplace is essential. Workplaces that have attained inclusivity and equity are better in responding to challenges as they tap into top talents, and can satisfy the needs of their diverse customers and clients. In the recent past, workplaces compelled by policies, regulations, and the need for diverse and inclusive workplaces have taken stringent strategies and initiatives to ensure diversity, inclusivity, and equity of their employees ("Elusive inclusive workplace," 2021). One of the non-dominant groups that currently experience issues associated with inclusivity and diversity is the transgender group. Transgender individuals are those who identify with a different gender from their birth gender (Alexandra et al., 2018). The issues faced by this special group in the society are as a result of societal norms and values, culture, and religion. They face much stigma, and no one is proud to associate with them. Humans also need opportunities to better themselves an...
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