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Hypothesis on Benefits Plan

Essay Instructions:


What is a hypothesis: A hypothesis is an assumption, an idea that is proposed for the sake of argument so that it can be tested to see if it might be true.

This is what you should do: Choose an organization in which you are interested and from which you can obtain the information required in the assignment below. You may want to choose a past or current employer, or you may choose any other organization that interests you. You may choose the same or a different organization from the previous unit. Research the organization through the company website as well as related articles available in the library, and answer the following questions:

Below are the 4 steps you are covering and responding to in your paper:

Step 1 - Based on your learning from Chapters 12 and 13, examine the impact of the benefit plan available at your organization. Begin by describing the benefit plan. Then, appraise the managerial decision-making factors that would be involved in the creation of this plan.

Step 2 - Consider that the benefit plan at your organization is designed to meet the preferences of both the employer and the employee. Identify what you believe are the preferences and personal factors of the employees regarding benefits and explain why these would be important to the employees. This should be in the form of a hypothesis statement of what is important to employees in their benefit plan at the subject organization.

Evaluate your selected hypothesis, identify both an experimental group of employees as well as a control group of employees who are separate from the experimental group. The control group may be from a different organization or derived from separate findings in the literature in general. Reflect your understanding of the purpose of a “control group” in such hypothesis testing.

Step 3 - Then, either interview some of these employees to see if their preferences match up with your hypothesis or find documentation in the library or online to support and validate your chosen hypothesis. For instance, you may believe that older employees may value a benefit that provides eldercare such as daycare for their elderly parents so that they can come to work and not worry about leaving a frail older person at home alone. You could then search the library or online for research that has been done or information gathered to support your hypothesis. An online search of the keywords “older workers benefit” would provide some information that could be used to support this hypothesis. However, please be sure to use other hypotheses for your project rather than this one about elder daycare, since it has already been used here as an example.

Please remember that all hypotheses do not have to be correct. You may find that studies exist that do not support your hypothesis, and that is okay. Points will not be deducted for that. Instead, focus on creating your hypothesis and then using good data and information to either support or prove it wrong (refute it).

Step 4 - Complete this Assignment with a conclusion about the hypothesis that you created and how the data worked out to support or refute it. Provide a summary statement indicating whether your original hypothesis was supported or refuted. How well do you think this benefits program at your subject organization succeeds at meeting these different employee preferences and how would you improve the program in this regard?

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Hypothesis on Benefits Plan
Due Date
Hypothesis on Benefits Plan
Step One
One of the Salesforce employee benefit plans is the reimbursement of an employee of up to US$ 100 incurred for participating in wellness programs such as gym memberships, smoke cessation programs, and other similar activities (Hart, 2021). The plan aims to promote employee health and wellness, thereby increasing employee engagement and productivity, reducing absenteeism, and lowering healthcare costs. The benefits plan is a part of the company’s effort to create an intriguing culture that attracts the best talent in the tech industry.
The conceptualization of the wellness benefits plan involved several managerial decision-making factors. One of the primary factors would have been budget considerations. The company would have needed to determine how much it was willing to spend on the benefit plan, considering the potential return on investment in terms of increased employee productivity and reduced healthcare costs. The budget would also need to be weighed against other potential initiatives or projects that the company may have been considering. The manager had to also consider the potential impact of the program on employee health and wellness. Further, the competitive landscape of the industry would have also been a factor in the decision-making process. Salesforce managers likely benchmarked against other companies in the industry to determine what types of wellness programs and benefits were being offered and at what cost. The manager may have also gathered employee feedback through surveys or focus groups to ensure that the benefit plan met the needs and preferences of its workforce. Thus, the creation of Salesforce's employee benefit plan involved a complex analysis of various factors, including budget considerations, the potential impact on employee health and wellness, industry benchmarks and best practices, and employee feedback.
Step 2
Hypothesis statement: Employees at Salesforce value a wellness benefits plan that provides opportunities for physical activity, healthy lifestyle choices, and stress management.
Employees at Salesforce, like many other organizations, place a high value on wellness and the benefits that come with leading a healthy lifestyle. Providing employees with opportunities for physical activity, such as gym memberships or fitness classes, can help them maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve mental health (Hart, 2021). Additionally, offering programs for healthy lifestyle choices, such as smoking cessation or healthy eating options, can have significant impacts on overall employee wellness. Finally, stress management programs such as mindfulness or meditation practices can help employees reduce stress levels and improve mental well-being.
To evaluate this hypothesis, I will create an experimental group of Salesforce employees who receive the wellness benefits plan described above and a control group of employees from a different organization that does not offer a similar wellness program. I will then compare employee absenteeism, healthcare utilization rates, and overall job satisfaction between the two groups to determine the effectiveness of the wellness program in meeting employee preferences and needs. The purpose of the control group is to ensure that any observed differences in employee absenteeism, healthca...
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