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Recommendation for the Advancement of an Existing PMO

Essay Instructions:

Recommendation for the advancement of an existing PMO

Section 1 (submitted in Week 3, See attached Module 3 Paper): Subject Organization and Rationale of the Portfolio Project, you are required to select a subject organization for developing a PMO recommendation. The subject organization must have an international/global aspect and may be your workplace, an organization that you are familiar with, or an organization that is based on your research. The subject organization must exhibit a functioning PMO as qualified by the PMO competency continuum.

Based on your research of the subject organization, substantively address the following key elements:

Subject organization information:

Organization name

Organization's mission, vision, and values statement

Industry type and organization demographics

Description of organization's culture

Executive sponsor and key stakeholders

PMO business case:

Assessment of existing project management:

Project management methods

Project management tools

Project management experience

Project management maturity

Perceived PMO benefits for the organization:

Overarching business rationale

Long term measurable goals (2-3)

First year specific goals and metrics

Quantified value proposition (short and long term)

Section 2 (submitted in Week 6, See Attached Week Six Paper): PMO Mission, Charter, and Competency of the Portfolio Project, you will build on the information detailed in your Portfolio Project Section 1. Based on analysis of your subject organization and further research, purpose the PMO's mission and vision, PMO charter, and PMO competency continuum stage resultant from your recommendation. To this end, substantively address the following key elements for your subject organization's PMO recommendation:

Develop the PMO's Mission and Vision including:

State the PMO' mission and vision.

Validate alignment with subject organization's mission and vision.

Designate key PMO stakeholders.

Develop the PMO's Charter:

State the PMO's business purpose.

Describe the PMO's business alignment and affiliation.

Designate the PMO's empowerment authority.

Describe the PMO's fiscal management.

Identify the Charter approval.

Relate to the PMO competency continuum

Designate the PMO competency continuum stage.

Justify the subject organization's designated PMO competency continuum stage determination.

Correlate the designated PMO competency continuum stage to the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3).

Section 3: PMO Recommendations of the Portfolio Project, you will build on the information detailed in your Portfolio Project Sections 1 and 2. Based on analysis of your subject organization and further research, develop recommendations for key aspects of the PMO that optimally support the subject organization's PMO framework as designated in Section 2. To this end, substantively address the following key elements for your subject organization's PMO recommendation:

Designate recommendations, with appropriate rationale, for each of the following PMO key elements:

PMO type

PMO structure

PMO culture

PMO project methods

PMO project tools

PMO governance

PMO risk management

PMO business integration

PMO global challenges

Other relevant PMO considerations

Recommend professional development for PMO advancement

Apply aspects of the project manager competency development (PMCD) framework for the PMO's professional development.

Designate professional certification requirements.

Describe mentorship role.

Identify project and portfolio leadership

Submit your assignment as a single Microsoft Word document established for this purpose.

Your essay should address the following requirements:

Your well-written PMO recommendation essay thesis should be 8-10 pages in length, which does not include the title, reference, or appendix pages. You need to add headings and subheadings associated with each of the bullet points listed in the Section 3 requirements.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing CenterLinks to an external site., which should include an introduction and conclusion.

Include title and reference pages.

In addition to your course textbook, cite at least four current (published within the past 5 years) scholarly resources (peer-reviewed, official governmental reports, and other scholarly source) to support your suppositions, assertions, and conclusions. To enhance your learning experience, scholarly resources are available from the CSU Global LibraryLinks to an external site..

Include an appendix for tables and figures as appropriate.

Please write clearly, concisely, and cohesively; use section level headers to organize the key elements of your thesis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Recommendation for the Advancement of an Existing PMO
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The need for a project management office(PMO) in today's business world cannot be underscored. This is because PMOS can increase project success and maximize the organization's or businesses' return on investment(ROI), especially when using PMOs that align with the strategic goals and objectives of the company. This paper evaluates Amazon, one of the biggest and most promising e-commerce firms, and provide recommendations regarding its PMOs that can optimize its projects and portfolio management framework. Some aspects that will be discussed include the PMO culture, type, structure, project methods, and tools.
PMO Type
Amazon needs to adapt to a centralized PMO. Centralized PMOs are the type of PMOs whereby a single unit at the executive level oversees the entire organization's projects and portfolios. They are also responsible for making decisions and enforcing standards for the rest of the organizations (Mattis, 2022). Amazon operates globally and is associated with a wide-ranging products and services’ portfolio, including cloud computing, e-commerce, digital streaming, and AI. In addition, all their products are highly competitive and rapidly changing (Amazon Inc., 2021). In this context, a centralized PMO proves the ideal approach. This is because a centralized PMO will help the company ensure that it is heading in a profitable direction and that all the projects are aligned with the organizational strategic goals (Mattis, 2022). Centralized PMOs will help the company by providing oversight, guidance, and enough governance and resource allocation.
PMO Structure
A PMO structure is how the PMOs are organized within an organization. The PMO structure that Amazon should adopt is the Hybrid PMO, otherwise known as the mixed PMO. This type of PMO integrates both the functional and the project-specific PMOs and is best suited for organizations with multiple business units, and standardization is necessary for its management (Hillaire, 2018). Amazon should adopt this structure because it will allow the company to leverage the benefits of projected and functional structures. For instance, a functional structure will help provide the expertise required to support the project teams while ensuring that the practices are followed, and knowledge is shared. The projected structure, on the other hand, will help with the freedom of the project teams, making them operate efficiently (Hillaire, 2018). A projected structure would not be the best fit for Amazon because the projected state will only dedicate resources to projects. Since Amazon has a diverse range of projects and products, this will lead to inefficiencies across the departments (Amazon Inc., 2021). On the other hand, a functional structure will hinder innovation because it focuses on specialized functions rather than collaboration.
PMO Culture
Amazon should adopt a culture that focuses on innovation, continuous improvement, and collaborative culture. First, Amazon is a technological company, meaning innovation is at the core of its business model. Technical innovations happen every day, so Amazon should be innovative enough to stay up to date with the trending innovations to stay relevant and competitive and ensure that the company remains among the leaders in its industrial field. Additionally, Amazon should adopt a collaborative culture that fosters open communication. With a culture that fosters collaboration and open communication, the team members can work effectively and achieve the project goal (Amazon Inc., 2021). Research by Bond-Bernard et al. (2018) revealed that collaboration tends to increase the chances of project success. Additionally, by having a culture of continuous improvement, all the team members can work towards delivering high-quality projects, which can increase the firm's productivity, thereby ensuring that Amazon's PMO framework remains relevant over time.
PMO Project Methods
Amazon needs to adapt to the agile PMO method. An agile methodology is an iterative and incremental approach to project management and software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction (Muhammad et al., 2021). Agile methodologies are appropriate for complex organizations and operate in specific environments, which coincides with Amazon’s contexts. Agile methodologies would exceptionally be beneficial for Amazon as they will lead to enhanced quality of products. Behrens (2021) states that agile methodologies involve a lot of testing and continuous integration to ensure that issues are caught before the product is released to the market. An agile methodology will help ensure increased collaboration among team members which will play a role in Amazon's bottom line. Additionally, the PMO should incorporate the lean six sigma principles that will aid in optimizing project workflows, eliminating waste, and increasing efficiency (Muhammad et al., 2021).
PMO Project Tools
Amazon, a large and multifaced company, requires several tools to improve its operational efficiency and support its PMO framework. One of them is the project management software tool. While there are a lot of project management software tools, Amazon should narrow down its selection to software that is scalable, user-friendly, and that suit the needs of the business. A project management software tool helps the project teams to track and manage the projects through the entire life cycle, from initiation to completion (Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd, 2023). Another tool that Amazon must have is the collaboration tool that will ensure that the team members communicate and collaborate efficiently. A risk management tool is also crucial for Amazon, primarily because it engages in many risks in its projects. A risk management tool will help the company mitigate the necessary risks, assign risk owners and also help the company have risk mitigation plans for the sake of profitability of the firm (Amazon Inc., 2021).
PMO Governance
A PMO governance relates to the policies and procedures tailored at delineating, establishing, managing, and controlling projects, programs, or portfolios (The Open University, n.d.). As a large and complex organization, Amazon requires a robust PMO governance structure to effectively manage its project portfolio, align projects with the overall business strategy, and ensure accountability for project outcomes (Amazon Inc., 2021). Therefore, the PMO governance for Amazon should contain a strong leadership and governance framework, performance monitoring and reporting, continuous improvement, and risk assessment strategies.
PMO Risk Management
With amazon being a large corporation, it must implement a risk management framework to ensure that it does not encounter issues that may lead to project failure, reputational damage, and financial resources that may negatively impact the company. One of the recommendations for PMO risk management is that Amazon should adapt to the use of technology and data analytics to predict the project's risk and monitor the risk status of a project in real time. With the advent of technology, analyzing projects and assessing the risk is now easier. Therefore, Amazon should utilize this. The use of data analytics can also be termed a proactive approach to risk management rather than reactive. If the risk is identified, then mitigation should be done. Additionally, Amazon should dedicate a risk management team within the supposed PMO whose sole responsibility is to assess, identify and mitigate the risks (Amazon Inc., 2021). It is recommended that Amazon should have risk management policies and regulations (Amazon Inc., 2021). This will particularly benefit Amazon as it will ensure that risk management procedures for all projects are followed.
PMO Business Integration
Amazon needs to adopt a business integration strategy that focuses on creating synergies and leveraging the strengths of different business units to achieve organizational goals. Amazon should integrate project management strategies with the broader business strategy to align with the organizational goal. Another recommendation for business integration is that Amazon can have cross-functional team members from the different business units for them to work on a specific project together (Organ & Bottorf, 2022). This will ensure they work towards a common goal aligning with the overall goal. Amazon needs these measures because the company has been scaling up into new markets, and it is a necessity that all its projects align with the overall company business strategy (Amazon Inc., 2021).
PMO Global Challenges
With Amazon being a global company, it should develop a global project management strategy that addresses global challenges. Some of the PMO global challenges include; cultural differences. Countries have different cultures, which can significantly impact the project...
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