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BBA3651 Unit 3. Google: A Leadership Analysis. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:


In this unit, you were introduced to various leadership strategies for communicating organizational vision, goal setting, and decision-making. Effective leaders are known for seeking ways to better connect with followers in order to enhance team performances, promote organizational effectiveness, and seek clarity on what has been working well while determining what may need to change.

Using your current employer or a company that interests you, respond to the following questions/topics.

Briefly describe your company, including its vision.

How does leadership support the vision?

Identify potential problems or issues (current or future) that your company might experience if teams do not respectfully follow the requests of leadership when making crucial organizational decisions.

Explain how followers can play a vital role in decision-making and goal setting if they are highly engaged in organizational processes and collaborate effectively in meetings.

Analyze how different delivery styles of communication from leaders can positively or negatively affect the behavior and performances of followers.

What might this company do in the future to improve leadership practices and performance measures for all workers? Include your rationale.

Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of two pages in length (not including the title page and the references page) and must include an introduction, a thesis statement (concise summary of the main point of the paper), and a clear discussion of the questions/topics above.

Your response must include a minimum of two credible references, one of which must be from the CSU Online Library. You may use an article from your required reading. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running head: GOOGLE1
Google: A Leadership Analysis
Student Name
College/University Affiliation


Google: A Leadership Analysis
Google is a household name. Everyone is already goolging to find something: a piece of information, news, a job, a friend, a classmate, or a research article. The wide range of services Google offers, beyond search, underlies just as many activities perform on a daily basis at a global scale. The story of Google is similar to many Silicon Valley stories: visionary entrepreneurs of boundless ambition, interested investors, incorporation and relentless growth. In plain English, Google was an idea conceived by now legendary founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, once students at graduate school in Stanford University (“Our story,” n.d.). Developing a basic search engine, Backrub renamed Google, Page and Brin manged to land a generous investment, $100,000, from Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim to incorporate Google on September 4, 1998. Starting off in a garage in suburban Menlo Park, California, Google continued to grow – and expand on services – and,in doing so, moved to current headquarter in Mountain View, California (aka “The Googleplex”) to accommodate an ever expanding workforce, services and subsidiary companies and affiliates.
For one, Google has ingeniously crafted a statement working a mission and vision for company's current and future focus and aspirations: “Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful [initial color combinations]” (“About,” n.d.). This mission/vision is supported by company's leaders by offering more flexibility – even leeway – for company's skilled and experienced workforce. That is, by enabling Googlers, i.e. Google employees, to make independent decisions, Google is making company's mission/vision a daily reality. This enabling mission/vision encounters, however, a number of challenges, particularly if company's leadership's vision – and, for that matter, requests of making crucial


organizational decisions – ...
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