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Option #2: Impact of Emotions on Decision Making Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Option #2: Impact of Emotions on Decision Making

This module focuses on the impact that emotional intelligence has on decision making. Additionally, the module highlights biases in decision making, as well as emotional influences on decision making.

Your goal for this assignment is to develop a plan to increase motivation, satisfaction, and performance in the workplace through the use of foundational principles associated with emotional intelligence. You must highlight the key elements of emotional intelligence that increase follower motivation and performance. Also, describe the potential biases that could impact leadership decision making and make recommendations to overcome the leadership biases. There are links to self assessments in the lecture that may provide food for thought as you develop your plan. Address the following in your paper/plan:

Provide a brief summary of the attributes associated with EQ.

Describe how you would embody each of those attributes.

Develop a means for employing the plan to increase motivation, satisfaction, and performance in the workplace.

Share specifics on the potential advantages and disadvantages of your plan.

Assignment Requirements:

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, not counting the required title and references pages.

Format your paper according to the CSU Global Writing Center - https://csuglobal(dot)libguides(dot)com/writingcenter/apa7_resources

Cite a minimum of six scholarly sources to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to the textbook, four of which should be academic, peer-reviewed sources. (You may not use the required and recommended readings for this course.)

Be sure to review the Critical Thinking Assignment rubric for details regarding grading standards.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impacts of Emotions on Decision Making
Institutional Affiliation:
Impacts of Emotions on Decision Making
Business management thrives on interrelationships that rely on a leader’s emotional intelligence and the capability to regulate and balance the different personal, social, and professional issues in the workplace. Communication skills, which are a vital requirement of business managers is a key element of emotional intelligence (EQ) as it allows interactions with both internal and external stakeholders through understanding and coordination thus creating a healthy network for the business environment. EQ is defined as the ability to identify and manage one’s emotions and those of others in motivating and restraining impulses and conducting inter and intrapersonal relationships (John and Niyogi, 2019). There are various attributes linked to emotional resilience that a leader can embody in creating a sustainable, collaborative, and efficient work environment. The main EQ attributes include self-awareness, self-management, awareness of others, empathy, and relationship management. Using EQ to improve the working environment requires reflection on personal experiences and understanding others’ emotions to facilitate decision making. This reflection and understanding of the emotional intelligence capabilities of self and employees is the basis for the establishment of a collaborative working environment for enhanced performance.
Emotional Intelligence Attributes and how to embody them in Management
Although EQ comprises several attributes, self-awareness, self-management, awareness of others, empathy, and relationship management are the main ones as necessitated by the business environment. Understanding the attributes helps managers in formulating ways they can embrace the qualities as a way to create a healthy environment.
1 Self-awareness
Self-awareness refers to the recognition of one’s emotions and their consequences through an accurate self-evaluation of strengths and weaknesses as well as confidence about self-worth (Serrat,2017). Self-awareness traits help a manager align their strengths with the business objectives and identify any potential shortcomings in business interactions (Nguyen, et al., 2019). Self-awareness enables leaders to not only appropriate duties according to strengths and capabilities but also to in the identification and improvement of mistakes. Another benefit of self-awareness is that it helps individuals realize their organization's perception (Landry, 2019). One of the ways that individuals can embody self-awareness in the workplace is through setting feasible goals and values that guide their decision making. Establishing concrete feedback channels can also help managers and employees increase self-reflection (Serrat, 2017). Continuous learning and training also establish EQ by informing them of their capabilities and areas of improvement.
2 Self-management
Self-management comprises of qualities like self-control, adaptability, innovativeness, and trustworthiness (Serrat,2017). It influences how well managers can manage impulses and emotions, handle change, uphold honesty, and take accountability for their actions and performance. Self-management induces the resilience to manage reactions during high-stress situations by controlling their impulses (Landry, 2019). Flexibility is also an aspect of self-management as it allows openness in the way leaders handle change. Prior assessment of any situation before reacting ensures that an individual avoids miscommunications and practices self-restraint by identifying organizational expectations and role (Nguyen, et al., 2019). Accountability helps individuals take responsibility heavily by gauging their capability to handle it with the given resources. Analyzing the feasibility of tasks helps individuals measure their capabilities and how to overcome the challenges.
3 Awareness to Others and Empathy
`Awareness to others entails establishing a rapport as a way to anticipate potential challenges like misinterpretation to meet its requirements (Nguyen, et al., 2019). It usually comprises empathy and keen observational skills to subtle elements like non-verbal communication, cultural, and environmental factors. Connors (2018) defines empathy as the affective and cognitive ability to mirror understand and identify with the feelings and emotions of others. In addition to being empathetic, emotionally intelligent managers should develop others’ skills by acknowledging their input and mentorship. Awareness of others also includes challenging bias through embracing diversity and political awareness (Serrat, 2017). Embracing the awareness of others in management requires managers to accurately perceive and state their goals, attitudes, and interests and addressing their needs (Srivastava, 2013). Understanding...
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