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Ler 100 essay on Grievance scenario. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:


Write an essay of between 500 and 750 words comparing and contrasting their responses.

You must use appropriate APA guidelines when documenting those references.

When writing your submission you must relate your response to relevant concepts related to the lesson's readings. You are free to supplement the lesson's readings with sources from the web; however, you are not permitted to use Wikipedia as a source.

When saving your file use LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME as a naming scheme.

Upload your paper to the assignment submission box.

Essay Steps

Step 1: Read the background information below

You are a shop steward in the Laborers’ International Union of North America. You represent employees at Vanderbilt University with respect to the current agreement.

Frank, an hourly employee in the bargaining unit wrote you the following note.

I want to file a grievance under our contract. Last Tuesday morning, at the last minute, I had to stay home to take care of my nephew. He was very sick. Generally, my wife would be able to call off her job; however, she was called in for emergency work. I talked to my boss yesterday. He said he won’t let me use sick leave even though I was taking care of a sick child. I believe I’m entitled to sick leave pay.

What should I do to get reimbursed for that day?

Step 2: Write an essay based on the guidelines below.

Based on the materials in the Holley, et. al., chapter, the provisions of the grievance procedure and sick leave provisions of the contract,

Write an essay identifying the questions you need to ask in order to see if Frank has a legitimate grievance or not. If he does how should you proceed? If not, what would you say to Frank about his situation?


You will be graded to the degree you do so in a logical, coherent, substantive manner.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ler 100 Essay on Grievance Scenario
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Ler 100 Essay on Grievance Scenario
Step 1
The Fair Labor Standards Act provides guidelines regarding the minimum pay and the employee exemption status. Similarly, all states and local governments have laws that protect workers’ rights and stipulate instances in which the worker deserves to be paid and does not deserve any payment. Frank finds himself where his employer denies him his pay for failing to report to work. The most appropriate step that Frank can take to claim his salary is to file a complaint with the local labor department for investigations. The department will investigate the grievance and help him claim his compensation from his employer.
Step 2
A grievance refers to an employee’s claim for being adversely affected by misinterpretation or misapplication of the company policy or guidelines. Employers should address any grievances by their employees by following a grievance procedure. This procedure may also be a part of the collective bargaining agreement. Being the employee representative, I have to protect the rights of my members. However, I should begin by ascertaining that the employee’s concerns are legitimate and have no ulterior motives (Holley, Jennings, & Worley, 2001). The preliminary questions would also help me collect sufficient information about the grievances and know how to approach the issue.
The first question I would ask Frank to confirm his claim’s validity is...
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